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Show Indian o0lvta.-Very little litigation among Indiana fin& its way into the local courts, hut the Indims are disposed to settle most of their small disputes and to aubmit tosmall punishments for their misdeeds thron h the medium of their own court. This court administers a great deal of roug% jnstioe, and its decisions are narly always such as to commend them to the sense of fairness of almost anyone. With sincere expression of my profound personal respeot, I am, sir, Your obedient servant, Jom W. Ha~~wa, United States Indian Agent. The CommIssIoN~RO P INDIANA FPAIRS. I REPORT OBI LICWERIATENDENT OP YANHMN SCHOOL, Gnm~awoonS,. DA~.,Augus8t 1, Im. Sra: I have thehonor to aubmit herewith the usosl annaal report for the fiscal year 1SW: Enrollment, attandanee, and hsdth.-The enrollment for the year was 140. The awrage attend-ance for the year was 110. Suoh a poor showing of attendance isacoounted for by the mculty of gettingchddren to attend early in the year, the average for the first two quarters having ken on1 ahont 82. ~hi sdr5eul tyw asooeasioned by an epidemic of measlesand whooping cough whiehprevsiled in the school and on the reservation durin the revious school year. As a dlreet result of the epidemic 21 of t%e do01 children died before the close of soboo1 and $uit? a,bwgerosntage were un~tLedfo r enrollment when the termopened in September. 1899. r e ~ n d l c e ~fne& r kept many o~heros ut, so i t wasnot till latein thesecond quarter that the schoalwascomfortably~led. Iamg1~dtontstathatth~healthoftheschoolha9beenrem~~k~bly good for the past year. N q deaths oocurred at the school, and only three on the feservation among chxldren,enroIled ddrmg the year. These wsre directly resultant from thee ~demioaiok-neesof the P~BYIOUSy ear. We had aehortrunolme~~ie~d~rintghtihide qu~r teor! theourrent year, but no s$rious tronble resulted. Building aod1mprovernenta.-The ten boildi s eonstitnting the scbml innt sre all frame. The girls' dormitory building and the dining h31 are mmparetively new foildin #,and are in very gwd conditron. The others are mostly old, but needed repairp have been abewed and will be made ar once. The largest building,used for boys' dormitorlea and playrooms, sohoolrooms. office,e mployees'bed rooma, eta. has been repauod. and ita interior repmnted throughout dur. iu the past two months by the resular employees of the school. 6h? necesssry materials and labor have been allowed for rapsintin all the buildings outaide and mside so that thewhole lsnt will shortly be put m ood confition. A new cod house new oattle'shed, new corncrig, and wagon shed, md rn a%ditim to the cowham have bee; authorized. These were ail recommended b Inspectar MoLsughlin sfter a recent visit as were also P. new building to be used for sohool an8 industrial purposes, and two closets to Cs Btted With automatic flushing fixtures. The last named are expected to be allowed very ehortly,and the seho?l building is dso very much hoped for and vet m,~ohn eeded. Industnnl department.-Industrid training is roaided &,all children of pro am. Thework in the sewing room, laundry, and kitchen gas been fairly suocessful, anK hoosskeeping. p-ble. On the fsrm something over 1,6W buaheis of oorn wsre harvested during the fall and about boshele of otatoes: Unfavorable weather during the lantlng eeason and osher ciroom-staOeswillmS% e the yield this year considerably less. our eve-stock hordhas +ell soldof? and in their stead cows have been purebasad. We now have %coI ws and heifera besides the looreass of the former for the current year. We have sold off $150 worth of hogs and have another bunch of equal value to turn off Rhort1y. Class-room work.-The work done in the various school room. during the year was fairly 48tis-faotary. I be to acknowledge 8nd render thanks for your loyd support dofing the year. Bsspeotfu~~y, Bo x 8. HUTCHINSS. upertr~tendent. The Oosrarrssro~m0 s INDIAN A~ s ~ r a s . (Through John W. Hsrding. United States Indian Agent.) REPORT OF ACtENT FOR UINTA AND OURAY AGENCY. UINTAA ND OWRAYA QBNCY, Whiteroolcs, Utah, A q s t 28, 1900. SIR: I have the honor to herewith submit my second annual report of the affairs of this axencv. 1 Iaoatioii.-The Uints Aaency is looated 110 miles from Price. Utah.. the nearest ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ railroad station, and l t ~ lsi O milaa.of about the worst rmci I ever saw. The Ouray subagency id 3 i mil08 sonthesst of the Uinra Agmc.~. That sunagency is in charge ai II civil-servlcn clerk. and mv bondsmon ere resoonsible for nU of h ~ a ~r~ ~ ~-~ 1 officiala cts, although I had neve'r seen h h u ntil you sent him here to take charge of this subagency, and this I think is one of theinjusticea of: the uivil-service law. |