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Show 84 REPORT OF THE COMXISSIONER OF INDIAIT AFFAIRB. the town of Wallula, Wash., extending thence in a general west-erly direction to Vancouver, in Clark County, said State. Owing to an apparent conflict between the company and the Columbia Railway and Navigation Company for right of way practically along the same route, the Department, on September 7,1900, declined to approve map of section No. 6, of the line of road through T. 2 N., Rs. 13,14, and 15 E., in Klickitat County, Wash. Columbia and Klickitat Railway Company.-March 31, 1900, the Department granted permission for this company to file its maps of definite location and to make a showing as to the purposes, intent, and ability of the company in the matter of constructing its proposed line of railroad across certain Indian allotments between Lyle and Golden-dale, in the State of Washington, and to submit proofs of service of copies of the maps of definite locat~on upon the individual Indians whose lands are crossed by the proposed line of road, without making a relocation or resurvey of said line. It appeared that the company had made a survey of its line of road across certain Indian allotments without the knowledge that it was necessary,under the rules of the Department, first to secure specific authority therefor. On Septem-ber 4,1900, the Department accepted the proofs of service and approved the map of definite location over and across the lands of certain Indians in Klick~taCt onnty, Wash., said line of road as represented on the map commencing at the town of Lyle and extending in a general northeasterly direction a dihnce of 20 miles. On the same date Frank M. Conser, supervisor of Indian schools, was designated to act with and for the Indians in negotiating amicable settlements with the com-pany for right of way through their respective lands. September 10, 1900, the o6ce duly instructed Mr. Conser in the matter of conducting said negotiations. Kiowa, Chickasha and Fort Smith Railway Company.-September 15, 1899, the Department temporarily suspended the regulations of April 18,1899, and granted authority for theabove-named company to locate and survey a portion of its line of road from the town of Chickasha, Chickasaw Nation, in a southeagterly direction to a point at or near Pauls Valley, in said nation; thence in an easterly and northeast-erly direction through the Indian Territory to the east boundary thereof at or near the town of Fort Smith, in the Shte of Arkansas. October 9, 1899, the company filed its formal application to make survey in accordance with the previous authority, and inclosed the nec-essary proofs and papers required by the regulations of the Depart-ment. October 17 the Department accepted these proofs and papers as a comp1ete.fulfillment of the conditions under which the original authority was granted the company to make a preliminary survey of its line of road. November 17, 1900, the company filed for approval maps of sections Nos. 1 and 2 of its line of road, commencing at a |