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Show PROQBAXMES OF SUMMER SCHOOLS. 439 The Indian as a self-supportin citizen and pmducer. T. J. Buford, United States Indian agent Siletz, Oreg.; 5. Lynch, United Stakes Indian agent, Yakima, Wash. General hiscussion. What are the most important branches of instruction necessary to the average Indian boy and girl? What constitutes a thorough practical education? Snpt. George W. Myers, Fort Simcoe, Wash. General discussion. Address: Prof. E. B. McElroy, Eugene, Oreg. Address: Hon. Thomas H. Tongue, member of Congress. Address: Hon. George W. McBride, United Sfates Senator. %day, August 17. How can we furnish the necessary social life for our pupils? Mies Anna C. Egan, superintendent, Xlamatb, Oreg.; Mrs. Nellie J. Campbell, Chemawa, Oreg. General discussion. Where should the line be drawn between physical culture and athletics in an educa-tional institution? Mr. H. J. Phillips, asslatant superintendent, Puyallup, Wash. General discussion. Closing addresses. SUKUEB SCHOOL AT PUYAI&UP, WASH., AUGIUST EO-Es,lWO. Monday, Auwt SO. Address of welcome: Mr. Frank Terry, superintendent Puyallup school, Waehington. Response: Mr. Edward Mills, United States Indian agent, Puyallup, Wmh. nesday, August $1. Paper: Mannera and politenees of Indian children, Mr. J. E. Youngblood, Skoko-mish, Wash. Discussion led by Mr. J. E. Malone, of Jitmestown school. Paper: Natural icience, Mr. H. J. Phillips, Puyallup, Wash. General discussion. Addreas: The advance in industrial education, Mr. A. 0. Wright, supervisor of Indian schools. Rred1zeeday, dug& 3.9. Paper: What to do with chronic diseases, Dr. Charles M. Buchanan, Tulalip, Wash. Discussion, led by Dr. Claude H. Kinnear, Puyallup, \l'ash. Pa er: Instruction in nature study, Mrs. Ida McQuesten, Puyallup, Wash. ~Bdress: The Cayuse war, the Whitman massacre, and early work among the Indians of Washington, Ex-Agent Edwin Wells. Discussion: Care of Government property, Mr. T. J. Hunt, Quinaielt, Wash. Discussion: What to do with the dull pupil, Mrs. Harris, Tulslip, Wash. General discussion: Should there be a com ulsory school law for Indian children? Paper: Religion i~ the Indian work, Miss gate McBeth, missionary, Nez Perch Res-ervation, Idaho. Discussion, led by Mr. F. M. Conser, supervisor of Indian schools. Address: Physical culture Mr. H. J. Phillips, Puyallup, Wash. Banquet, during wiich the following taasts were responded to: Chemawa school. Mr. Thomas W. Potter,. su-u erintendent Salem school. Chemawa, Oreg. The education most necessary for Idaho Indiana. Mr. Wm. H. Smith, Super-intendent Fort Lapwai school, Idaho. Indian stories. Mr. A. 0. Wright, supervisor of Indian schools. The education most necessry forpuget Sound Indians. Mr. Frank M. Comer, supervisor of Indian schools. |