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Show inserted a clause in the Indian appropriation act of May 31, 1900, as follows: That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay out and distribute in the following manner the sum of two hundred and sixteen thousand six hundred and seventy-nine dollam and forty-eight cents, which amount was appropriated by the act of June twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and credited to the "incompetent fund" of the Chickasaw Indian Nation on the books of the United States Treasury, namely: First, there shall be paid to such survivors of the original beneficiaries of said fund and to such heirs of decessed beneficiaries as shall, within six months from the passage of this act, satisfactorily eshblish their identity in such manner as the Secretary of theInterior may prescribe, and also the amount of such fund to which they are severally entitled, their respec-tive shares; and, second, so much of said fund as is not paid out upon claims 'eatis-faotorily established as afoforesaid shall be distributed per capita among the members of said Chickasaw Nation, and all claims of beneficiaries and their respective heim for participation in said incompetent fund not presented within the period aforesaid shall be, and the same are hereby, barred. Under Department instructions of July 3,1900, the o6ce submitted, July 9, a draft of instructions to the United States Indian agent for the Union Agency for the purpbse of carrying this legislation into effect. The instructions, modified by the Department July 12, went to the agent as follows: It will be observed that it is made the duty of the claimants to satisfactorily estah-lish their identity in such manner as the Secretary of the Interiormay prescribe, and that the Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to pay to each person who shall establish his identity the portion of the fund to which he is entitled. In order that the provision of the act above quoted may be carried out, you are hereby directed to cause a notice to be published in such newspapers in the Chicka-eaw Nation, both in the English and Chickasaw language, as you may deem neces-essy, giving notice tbat evidence tending to establish the identity and the claims of Chickasaw incompetents or the descendants of those incompetents who are dead will be received at the Union Agency up to and including October 31, 19W, and tbat the Chickasaw Nation has the right to file evidence rebuttihg that filed by any par-ticular claimant, and that after October 31, 1900, the papers in each case will be forwarded to this office and to the Department for such action as may be deemed proper. You will also notify by mail the governor of the Chickasaw Nation of the filing of each claim, giving the date, name of the beneficiary, theamoantclaimed, and that the proper representatives of the nation will be allowed to examine any evidence which may be filed in your ofice in relation to any of said cases, and also to file evi-dence against the allowance of the claim. After October 31,1900, you will carefully examine each caseand make a reportand recommendation thereon, and forward the same to this office, where it will he examined and forwarded to the De~artmentw ith the recommedation of this office. ~~ you will plv:tit, I H ~ Ppr olnl~tw tion i n rllis rnatwr bera~l~ovi rlaen hortn?ij vf 1 1 1 ~ . time n.1~~~w~iethriln ivlii<.h thew vliliui~n u y be tiled an~lth e i Ientitv 111 the claim-ants established. Western boundary of the Chickasaw Nation.-The Choctaw and Chickasaw agreement provides that- Them#r&S tarcs eLsll purvty HIIIIt l?~initt,ly1 1,nrk anll lornt~th e ninety-ciglrth :IR) meridianof e.c?r lo~lgitudeb ~l~veeKnrd and Can~<lialrriv er? heiorealI~rtment.ioit he lands herein provided for shall begin. |