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Show Rmoam OF ~ F ~ U E F ~ ~ E NOTF SBO NDED 80~00~8--Continu.e d %W. Vermilion b k e . Minu.. Oliver H. G atas ................................ 490 Fort Shaw.Mont., F . C . Campbell ...................................... 460 Genoa, Nebr.. J . E . Ross ............................................... 491 Caraon,Nev.. Jamea K .A llen .......................................... 49% Albnqnerque. N . Hex., Ralph P . Collins ....... ...................... 494 SmtaFe, N . Mex.. C. J . Crandall ..................................... 495 Chiloern. Okla.. C . W . Gmdman ...................................... 496 Seger Colony. Okla.. John H . Seger ................................... 498 Chemawa. Oreg.. Thomas W . Potter ................................... 502 hliSle.Pa..Maj.RH.Prstt,U.S.A .................. ... .... 2 ..... 502 Chamberlain. S . Dak.. John Flinn ..................................... Flsndrean, S . Dah, Charlea F . Peirce ................................. Pierre, 8 . Dak., Gmby G . Davis ...................... ... ...... ... .... Oneida, Wk., Joseph O . Hart .............. .......................... Wittenberg, Wis., Axel Jacobson .................................... Hampton, Va, Rev . H . B . hssell .................................... M ~ L A N ~ U S : Spelling of names of Indian tribes and bands ........................... Indian legielation by &t session Fifty-sixth Congress .................. Judicial opiniona-. Collection of tareq Cherokee Nation, opinion of Judge Joseph A . Gill . Removal of intruders from Cherokee Nation, opinion of Judge William M. Springer. ................................................... Business permits in Creek Nation, opinion of Judge Clayton ........ Legality of permit tar, Choctaw and Chickasaw nations. opinion of A & h t Attorney-General ...................... ---. ..........- - Removalof persons who refuse to pay permit tax, opinion of Attomey- General .......... ; ................. -- .... -- ................... Nationsl banks in Indian Territory, opinion of Assistant Attorney- General ..................... .........-. .-- - ..........--..-. Rsgalations governing procurement of timberand stonein IndianTmitory . Instructions to town4te surveyors. Choctaw and Chickasaw nations ..... Instructions to towns making their own survey ......................... Trust funds and trust Ian& ........................................... Liabilities of U.n ited. S tates to Indian tribes ............................ Incomeof Indlantnbes ............................................... Executive order setting aside Walapai school reserve ................... Executive order aetting aside Northern Cheyenne reserve ............... Statement 01 allotment of lands in severalty to Indians ................. drras of I n d i reservations and authority for their establishment ....... Indian school sitea ................... .. ..... .. ............ Statietics ae to Indian schools .................................. --- ... 8tsWiea as to population, dress, intelligence, dwellings, and sources of mbsislznce of Indian ttibes; also religious, marital, vitd, and criminal statistics ....................- - ................................ -. |