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Show REPORT OF THE COMMIBBIONER OF INDIAN AFFALRB. 7 For every 100 rations- 4 pounds coffee, S pounds sugar, 3 pounds beans, or in lien of said articles the equivalent thereof; such rations, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be continued "until the Indians are able to support themselves." The value of the full Sioux ration varies somewhat according to the location of the agency to which the Indians belong, but at the average prices paid it is about $50 per capita per arinum. The fnll ration, how-ever, is not now issued, nor has it been for the last few years, it hav-ing been gradually reduced in accordance with the policy of the Office. The following will show the bands of the Sioux Nation that are receiving daily rations, and the per capita cost of the ration allowed for the present year: Tamm 3.-Sim receiving rations, and cost qf the ration. Agency. Band. Total ............................ 1 ....... .............................. 17,876 1. Standing Rook. N. Dsk ................ Crow Creek 8 Dak .................... Cheyenne divkr, S. Dak. .............. ~ oweBr r ule 9. Dak.. ................. Pine ~ i d g ek,. D& .................... Rosebud, 8. Dslr.. ..................... The average cost per capita for the whole nation is about $35. It may give a better idea, perhaps, of what these Indians get to take the two principal items of beef and flour and show what is allowed each individual. With the sum named enough has been provided of these two articles to give over 1 pound of net beef and over 54 ounces of flour to every man, woman, and child on the reservations (outside of school children) every day in the year. Besides this they get the additional articles named. Improvidence may make the Indians go hungry, but with the rations issued they are certainly in no danger of starvation. Although the Sioux agreement says that rations are to continue only until they are able to support themselves, the Indians protest against any reduction and claim the fnll ration as a right. If this is conceded, the time when they will be self-supporting lies in the very distant future, if it comes at all, for as long as they are supported by others there is no necessity for supporting themselves, and consequently they make little or no effort. In addition to those receiving a daily ration, a number of Indians are assisted by occasional issues, and at several agencies the old and indigent are provided for. These, however, are comparatively few in number, aggregating about 12,570. Altogether there are about 57,570 Yanktonai, Hunkpapa, Blackfeet.. ...... Lower Yanktonhi ........................ Blackfeet, sans Ares, Minieonjau, and TWO Kettle. Iuwer Bmle .............................. Oglhla. .................................... Brule, Loefer,TwoKettle,kndW%11&h. 3,215 867 2,440 374 6,318 4,662 834. W 35. W 36. W 33. W 33. W --36. W |