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Show 6 REPORT OF THE COXHI88IONER OF INDZAN AFPAEB. According to Department regulations, the following constitutes the ration of these articles: To 100 rations: 150 pounds net beef (or bacon in lieu). 3 pounds beans. 4 pounds coffee. 50 pounds flour. 7 pounds sugar. This, however, is the maximum allowance, which of late years has rarely or never been issued, the policy and practice of the o5ce being to reduce rations as far as practicable. As has been said, the ration issued varies according to the tribe, and its value varies correspondingly. The following will show the tribes that are receiving daily rations and the per capita cost of the ration allowed to each for the current year: TABLE2. -%he8 other than Siouz: re&ui?&q rations, and cost of the rat im Agency. ~lsekfeet,Mon.t. ..................... Blaok.f.e.e..t,.B..l.o.o..d.,.a.n.d.. P..ie..g.a.n.. ........................ Crow Mont ............................ Crow ............... ~ o rht k n a ~ o n t Grosventre and Mniboin FortPeckEBdnt ....: :::::::::::::::::: Yankton~Siouxsn.d.A..s.s..in..i.b.o..i.n.. .............. Ton ue ~ i v e rM ont Northern Cheyenne sho&oni,~y..b.. .: :::::::::::::::::: ShoshoniandNortheinArapaho ........ Southern Ute, Colo ................... Ute ....................................... Ouray,Utah ................................ do ........................................................................ uinta, eto.,Ut.h ............................d o ................... ~ o rHt a ll, Idsho. ...................... Shahon1 and Bannock ~emhi,Idaho... ....................... Ghoahoni,Bannock,and Sheepeat.e.r... ........ . Fort Berthola,N.Dak ................. Arihra, Gra~ientre.mdM8,nde.n Yankton BDak ....................... Sioux ..................................... chevennkm a Arapaho,Okla.. ....... Cheyenne and Arspaho .................. Kiowa Okla ........................... Apache, Kiowa,Comsnohe, Wioh1ta,etctc. J , C ~ ~ ~ .I..~....~...,..N.......M....~. J ieenlla. .A..p.a.c.h..e... ............................................... .. san Carlos, Arle ....................... Apaohe. ................................... Fort A ache, Ariz. ......................... do colDra$o~ i vAer i~~.. ................ Mohave, cto .............................. AE the value of the full established ration at current prices is about $51, it will readily be seen to what extent the issue of rations has been reduced. Of the 45,270 receiving daily rations from the Government, 17,876, or nearly two-fifths, belong to the great Sioux Nation, known as the Sioux of different tribes, located in North and South Dakota. These Indians are not included in the foregoing list, as their case is different from the others in that the rations and the conditions under which they are to be given are specifically named in the agreement of 1876, ratified by the act of February 28, 1877. That agreement, in consid-eration of the cession of certain territory and rights, obligates the United States to provide the Indians with subsistence consisting of a ration for each individual of: 11, pounds of beef (or pound bacon in lieu thereof), *pound flour, 8 poand mrn; and |