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Show 94 REPORT OF TFCE UOidMI8SIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRB. draft on Hutchings, Sealy & Co., of Galveston, Tex., for $1,500, in pay-ment of theannual tax of $15 per mile for each mile of road constructed through Indian lands for the fiscal year ending June 30,1900. Kamaa and Arkamas Valley RaiLway Colrupany.June 29,1900, the company submitted a draft for $2,444.55, which was tendered in pay-ment of the annual tax of $15 per mile for each mile of road constructed by the company through Indian lands for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1900. Kansas City, P i 2 t s h g and Gulf Railroad Cbnvplvny (nozo Kmm City S o u t h Raihay Cmpany).-May 24, 1900, the company ten-dered a draft for $2,137.35 in payment of the annual tax of $15 per mile for each mile of road construcied through Indian lands for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1900. Kamas, O?dahona Cmtral and Southatemz Railzoay Cbmpav.- October 26, 1899, the Department declined to approve the company's map of section 1 of the main line of the road filed in lieu of a, former map of said section which had theretofore been approved, and also declined to approve the company's maps of definite location of the south-ern branch line of sections Nos. 1 and 2, filed in lieu of former maps of said yections which bad theretofore been approved. The Department declined to approve the maps on account of certain defects in their execution. July 19, 1900, the Department approved maps of definite location of sections 1 and 2 of the southern branch filed in lieu of maps of those sections which had theretofore been approved. The line of road as shown upon said sectional maps differed slightly from the line as shown upon the original maps. The company, however, relinquished to the United States and to the Cherokee Indians all of its rights, title, and interest in and to the former right of way acquired by it by rea-son of the approval of the first-mentioned maps of definite location. July 25, 1900, the company tendered drafts aggregating $3,588.08 in payment for right of way of 57.79 miles of road and annul tax thereon up to June 30, 1900. iKissm., Kansas and Tmm Raihay Company.-<Tnly 13,1900, u e Department declined to approve the map of additional station grounds desired by the company at Muscogee, in the Creek Nation, for reser-voir and stock-yard purposes, the approval being asked for under the provisions of the act of Congress of July 25, 1866 (14 Stats., 236). The Department held that if the company desired to secure additional station grounds at said place application should be made under the provisions of the act of April 25, 1896 (29 Stats., 109). After a care-ful review of the above decision the Department, December 5, 1899, adhered to its former ruling. March 17, 1900, the Department approved the map of definite loca-tion of the company's branch line of road known as the "AtokaBranch," commencing on the main line of the road near Atoka, in the Choctaw |