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Show 470 ANNELIDES. GoRnius, Lin. The body resembling a thread, the only mark of the articulations being slight, transverse plicre; it has neither feet, branchire, nor ten. tacula. Internally, however, a nervous system is perceptible in a knotted cord. Perhaps it will be necessary in the end to place them among the cavitary Intestina, like the Nemertes. They live in fresh water, in the mud, and in inundated grounds which they perforate in every direction. The different species are not yet well distinguished; the most common-Gordius aquaticus, L., is several inches in length almost as fine as a hair, and brown, with blackish extremities: •' ' .II l' r, EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Plates I, II, III represent new species of Sauria, sufli.ciently described in the text quoted. Plate IV shows the osteology of certain anomalous Serpents. Fig. 1, 2, 3. Head of a Crecilia seen from above, beneath and in profile. It is so extremely anomalous, that it is with much hesitation that we attempt to explain it. a. a. Intermaxillaries and Ossa Nasi united. b.b. Maxillaries covering the orbit, and perforated by a small hole for the eye. c. Single Os Frontis. d. d. Anterior Ossa Frontis. e. e. Ossa Parietalia. f f. Superior Os Occipitis. g.g. Posterior Ossa Frontis? lt.h. Mastoids and Tympana united. . I. Fig. 4, 5, 6. Head of an Amphisbrena, seen from above, beneath and in profile. a. Single Os Frontis proper. b.b. Anterior Ossa Frontis. c.c. Ossa Nasi. d. d. Maxillaries. e.e. Single Os Parietale. ff. Single Os Occipitis. g.g. Tympana. h. Single Intermaxillary. i.i. Pterygoidea Interna. k. Sphenoid. l.l. Ossa Palati. m.m. Petrous portions of the Temporal bone? Fig. 7, s, 9. Head of an Ophisaurus, viewed from above, beneath, and in profile. It is in fact the head of a Saurian. |