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Show 150 PISCES. LxoHxA, Cuv. . the back and two others, also free, before the The free spmes on ' . anal; body compress ed , and the tail without. the lateral ca. rm.~ . In front of t h e d orsa1 Spines is a single one, la1d flat, and pomtmg for-wards. Three species inhabit the Med·i terranean, a 11 o f w h1' c h are eatable, and already well characte~z~~ by :on:~let. JJ • ].J. amia; Scomber amia, L.; the a ~go, on e ;t, 2~4; mta, s 1 121 The lateral line strongly covered or orm1ng an S; a ;a~.'ge s~ecies more than four feet in length, and weighing a hundred pounds. L. glauca; Sc. glaucus, L.; the Derbio, Rondel. 252. The lateral line nearly straight; the anal and second dorsal marked with a black spot in front; teeth small and crowded. L. sinuosa, Cuv.; Rond. 255. The blue on the back separated from the silvery hue on the belly by a zigzag line; the hooked teeth in a single range.(l) Lacepede separates from the Lichire, by the ~ame of SooMBE· ROIDES, which is not very appropriate, those spe~1es ":here the.last rays of the second dorsal, and of the anal are div1ded mto spur10us fins, as in Scomber, properly so called.(2) The ~ TRAOHINOTus, Lacep. From which his AcANTHRINIONS and CmsiOMORES do not generi· callv differ, are Lichire with an elevated body, a more vertical pro· file ·and the dorsal and anal tapered into longer points.(3) ' RHYNCHOBDELLA, Bl. Schn. Free spines on the back as in Centronotus, and two free sp~nes be· fore the anal, but, as in a true Xiphias, the ventrals are wantmg; the body is elongated. They are divided into two subgenera. In notus spinosus, Mitch., Ann. cit. Nov., I, iii, 9, which is probably the GIUiterot' teus canadensis, L.; and some new species. (1) Add, Scomb. calcar, Bl. 336, f. 2. (2) Scomb. Forsteri, Bl., Schn., or Scomberoi'de Commersonien, Lacep., IT, n,3, <()r ./[ken parah, Russ., 141;-Tolparah, Russ. 138;-Sc. aculeatus, Bl. 336, 1;-~· lysan, Forsk;-Sc. saliem, Bl. 335; and Lacep. II, xix;-Gasterosteus occidental!J, L., Brown., Jam., xlvi, 2;-Quiebra-acha, Parra, xii, 2. (3) Ohretodon glaucus, Lacep. 210, or Jlcanthinion bleu, Lacep. IV, 500;-C~ rlwmboides, m. 209, or Jlc. rlwmboide, Lacep.;-Gast. ovatus, L., or MookaUe par . Russ. 154;-Cresionwre Bwch, Lacep. III, iii, 2;-Scomber falcatus, Forsk.;-Cal81· omore bailwn, Lacep. III, iii, 1 ;-Botlah-parah, Russel, 142. ACANTHOPTERYGII. 151 MACROGNATHus, Lacep. The muzzle is prolonged into a cartilaginous point, which extends beyond the lower jaw; the second dorsal and the anal separated from the caudal.(!) MASTAOEMBELus, Gronov. The two jaws about equal, and the dorsal and anal almost united with the caudal.(2) Both subgenera inhabit the fresh waters of Asia and feed on worms, which they obtain frotn the sand. Their flesh is much esteemed. This is perhaps the proper place for a genus not yet well understood. The NoTACANTHus, Bl.-CAMPILODON, Oth. and Fab. The body much elongated, compressed, and covered with small soft scales; the obtuse muzzle projects in front of the mouth, which is artned with fine and closely-set teeth; nothing on the back but free spines;, ventrals behind and beneath or on the abdomen; a very long anal reaches to the tip of the tail, where it unites with a very small caudal. Not. nasus, Bl. 431. The only species known; it inhabits the Arctic Ocean, and is two feet and a half in length. SERIOLA, Cuv. All the characters of a Lichia; a horizontal spine before the first dorsal; a small free fin supported by two spines before the anal; body compressed; a lateral line without carina or armature; but the spines of the first dorsal are united into a fin by a membrane. One species, the Peche lait of the French at Pondichery; Scomber lactarius, Bl., Schn.; Russ., 108, is remarkable for the great delicacy of its flesh. Another, Seriola cosmopolita, Cuv.; 8comber chloris, Bl., 339,. is noticed as one of the few fishes common to both oceans.(3) (1) Rynclwbdella orienta/is, Bl. Schn., or Op!Lidium aculeatum, Bl., 159, 2, or Macrognate aiguillonne, Lacep. II, viii, 3;-Rlt. polyacantlw, Bl., Schn., or Macrognate arme, Lacep.; Buchan, pl. xxxvii, x, 6;-R.h. aml, Bl., Schn., pl. lxxxix;Macrog. pancaltes, Uuchan., xxii, 7. (2) Rynchobdella halepensis, Bl., Schn.; Gronov., Zooph., pl. viii, a, x. (3) Add, Seriole Dumeril, Risso;-Scomber fasciatus, Bl., 341;-Seriole de Rajin~ esque, Risso, or Trachurus aquilus, Raff., Caratt. xi, 3. \ |