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Show Forest Service Historical Most Recommended State Minimum Flow Important Minimum Stream at DownSpecies of Miles of Flow Classifistream End Game Stream Stream ( c. f. s.) cation of Reach Fish Affected Whiterocks River 20 III 10 Trout 8.0 Uinta River 40 III 22 Trout 8.3 Swift Creek 0 Not avail. Not avail. Trout 1.7 Yellowstone River 14 Ill 26 Trout 5.3 Total 23.3 Borrow excavation for earth dams, aggregating 33 million cubic yards of material, would cause 2,200 acres of land to be disturbed to a probable average depth of cut of 10 feet. Where possible, the borrow areas would be located in the reservoir basins and would later be inundated. Vegetation from borrow areas, where located outside the reservoir basin, would be lost at least temporarily. The borrow areas would be, for the most part, in arid areas covered by sagebrush, juniper, and native grasses. Revegetation of these areas, even with topsoil spread back over the denuded areas, would be slow due to the lack of precipitation. An exception to the usual borrow area location in arid areas in Uinta Basin would be Moon Lake Reservoir enlargement. This enlargement would be in high country with quaking aspen and conifer, as well as sagebrush, covering the borrow areas. Revegetation here would still be slow but greater natural precipitation would hasten the process. All restoration would be accomplished in the manner described in Section D. In the Bonneville Basin, Jordanelle Reservoir enlargement would be located in a favorable area for precipitation and revegetation conditions would be favorable. Some borrow areas would be observable from highways and county roads near the dams, whereas others would be hidden by ridges and undulations of the terrain. Open canal excavation for 84 miles across presently irrigated farm lands would cause the loss of crop production or pasture for livestock on 1,000 acres. An additional 100 miles of canal excavation would cause disturbance of another 1,200 acres along hillsides adjacent to the farmed areas. In the Uinta Basin 433 |