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Show Power revenues would contribute substantially to Unit repayment. After the power and irrigation allocations had been repaid these revenues would continue to be used to further develop valuable water resources in the State, Economic enhancement from direct and indirect benefits of the Unit would add materially to the quality of life to the people affected by the Unit. Effect of JRecreafcion and Fish and Wildlife Water- oriented recreacion opportunities not previously available would be provided by the new and enlarged reservoirs and adjacent lands which would represent a significant economic enhancement in the area. The reservoirs in the Unit plan would add new water for fishing, boating, and other water- oriented recreation. Regulated development of campgrounds would provide for both limited and extended vacation stays. The National Park Service has indicated that the Unit reservoirs would attract about 1 million increased visitations per year. The economic impact of this increased recreational activity may be estimated by the amount of expenditure each visitor makes. Surveys relating to such outlays by fishermen, boaters, picnickers,, etc., indicate that each person visiting a reservoir would spend an average of about $ 5.00 per visitor day0 ^ This amount is spent for such items as boats, trailers, groceries, gasoline, car depreciation, fishing licenses, boat licenses, etc Based on this figure the total expenditure for 1 million annual visitations would be approximately $ 5 million. Since almost all of the recreational visits would be area residents, most all of the money would be spent locally. 389 |