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Show THE {r. Le OF acre Paliu of ee nraHdiins by the great and awful name o ) aqnestion pein ee ri ee e ate prlyow befo immedi cra SRE ibn ie5, A ina se ee tur ee So pes! bowing pos e O} Bey invoca ocation of Yo—he-wah ; this therewinv to re be Heb , adjuritng their wit Ritbeec’ is onsiders oe STATE Adair proceeds to speak S - he the PRESENT to Rae true evidence. nesses 2ems to exactly 10 cooo He says, ‘“ Itseems ne 2 sidde wit conduct of the Hebrew wituesses mci withh the t ga | ike occasions. now on the like ay strations under thisSen ee argument, Mr. Adair’s other illus : : the ir ark, and their ever ale aa astings, he re3 ; Boy so? , € seaG oheet the thigh of the ir game, have ce’ 2 fus to eat the ? in c coneynexion beeing wit. h the% tes4timon suffic iently given, in 3 srs to the same poin Se Ries | Tr otiers to i. exhiibited under the 9th, 10th| has also been exh Enough and 3 11tha. owise. i ts. he says; “* Eagles of every kinhi 9 7 d they Un der the aec} i or4ees a C | esteem unclean icié€é buzzards, We JUZA Ze food) ; ‘avens likewise ravens, i. ok at; i -onside! = zs ; ~? t Under most of he ¢ Sa uP }’ w | @ bs : . ine i Ty as: eg. t ~ 5 . ing la d a J iis VW al . E ics th A , } iG Hs tne ide ( fO oO 3 e J hi ec a h 7 fe and ana fas purification ceremonies of porareioe saratory > ypamany a a rde of the Israelites. \ Sing like what 1s recorded | : , says;-s :1** 7° The in Indian tra|Under the last argume nt ~ 's in ver y remote ages ditittion say any s that their forefa , ; t ene‘VY. oh all ‘ theam people wheas : OITA 7aay Cr ~~ f- — . ? . 4 f st. aa i! we ci *¢ es To os » iyt a osm5 ‘ far ¢ nt COUBLFY dista col our is ; ‘ and that ? ge 3 TOC eR tp pi aN i at of * Re ial t} me i: v ey 1 of He seeiek d eastward to their presen t a which he d confutes some idle fabuleus s Se ands notot es at i | ahi vat ine fe the innovatin SUILIOUS ts g SUPeCPac says “‘ sprung ee ce s? ond riests ‘ . E . 217 > is ce Che . J , eaks go S RU OL : to Indian tradition as 2 2 aie of the led idaiaon. to be dependea on. ~ Se y F the . south-west; tiraar ‘6 ‘Th re LO ah e y (the ramobills He says, y> hat they E exc ed,) dieave Ind exce}eptthe ians: fro stwratd,that before the) ss m Pipbes tri es of northern nae A} > S bs Si Ssippt rer 7 the > Missi Shep. oo This Be we ments." reo d at their presen t ee have left be= erified in the western old towns | old beloved See eee hind them, and d by by the situation of the AND ISRAEL, 153 towns or places of re fu from each different na ge lying about a west course tion? | ** Ancient history (he ad ds ) is quite silent concernIng America, which indicates that it has been time immemorial rent asun de The north-east parts r irom the easterp Continent, of. Asia were also un till of late, di Many seographers have stre scovered and America so far as tched Asia to join them togeth er; and others have divided th em into two quarte rs of the globe, But the Russians, after several danger ou s attempts, have clearly convin ced the world that th ey are now dijvided, and yet have a near Communication together by @ harrow strait in wh ich sey eral island s are situated, and through which th ere is an easy Passag e from the north-east of Asia to the north-west of Am erica. this passage, it was ve B ry pr world, and afterward suitable climates. Those yuri i SH i e ‘ Befor > ’ 2 bats tS, Ms nt arguments - the 4h q anotaSs his subse £ : b wl. is ) | 7 ~ a y KA " ftheir pri cations of their p iyests; and purification for nav cos any. other anelean thing. toucheed d aa dea de d bod ora eey, su bsny eque othe h we j vs, “1 Crows, swallows, and every species of|o JUDAH who dissent acticable to go to thi s new to have proceeded in quest of from American origin, (he adds | MY opinion of the Indian/ ) ought to inform us natives came here, how the and by what meaus they found the long chain of Tites an d custom s so similar of the Hebrew nation , and in general diss to the usage modes of the Pagan imilar to the world. he tia! customs. dress, music. ir religious rites, ma rdances and domest ic forms of life, seem clearly to merica in early ti evince also, that they came to mes before sects had sprang up which was soon aft er their prophets Ceased; also befo re arts aud sc iences had arri 8nyY perfection. Ot ved at herwisit e is likely they would retained some knowle have dge of them among the Jews; € learn in Dr .” a5, ayaa that the Mesica= , Robertson’s history ae hay Weir traditio n that « Their Sestors came from an¢ aetth-west of Mexico remote country situated to the . The Mexicans (he out their various st say Ss) point ations as they 1uto the interior pro vinces ; advanced fr om this and it is Precisel Mut which they m y the sa ist ae i] have held, if they had been emme e'aats fron, iv *B. 4, pase 41 9-3. aaa ‘ |