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Show “Q Lord, why hast thou following connected with it 5 from hearts ert from thy fear to us made thy tor thy Return ? hardened our servant's sake, and ways, thy to! ne ee rule over aad them. ‘They branch of a is Tiere were elt alee Salle De A ee Rl PO the present period. to noted. he will 9. It inevitably follows, that the ten tribes of Israel This must be his laws. passaces additional! (;od’s by called ver I from ot far at a time | ‘ied » under Lilt we>rce not He accordingly there says, recovery, as tothe Jews. ‘and so all Israel shall be saved ;” or both branches This same point of the Hebrews shall be recovered. , 30th and 31st miah Jere in ded is most positively deci chapter. g edin prec the in chapters, as has appeared the that and Palestine; were 1 of of the entail to richt ssors Poss Turkish till their forcibly attaches itself to the ten tribes, to ensure a for and now, who they But themselves finding co venant, th ir covenant and name.” not called by thy ™ ith God the plead are. they st heare never ‘Thou tribes. the long time, weknown. == thine. Aare We eanctuarye down trodden have ad: ersaries “Our limited pe riod. inhe everlasting an for (hem to And we justly infer, that ence in_an outcast state. God would in his holy providence provide some suitable place for their safe keeping, as his outcast tribes pr envy zee Ephraim shall not rt; hots aim shall depa There is a though long unknown to menassuch. re them at resto If God will avoiding this conclusion. last as his Israel, and as having been “ outcast’? from the nations of the civilized world for 2500 years ; he envy * The 13: verse adds, ronphet Here the mutua vex [phraim.” not ll cha h da ee and Ju branches of the o tw the n ee tw jealousies be of the ten rane n re the expulsio fo be h ic wh . el Tera shall never Sa again perpetual war. st mo al ti) em restora: e | th ke ler. In and srael, airca' was Israel them; ’ odd rie of j a feeturn ci OUt cattih « fy ane igteo »Y sno her J eS a days . me. the ge 9. ey 7 * : +) potis . rd. And Lo ily Jj ; (or, fam i ee Orbs Wi and . of Cy | e they i ; > an raech house of E Isra those nearly a the a of ¥Y YoU euly for backsliaing Israel thou snio its . m be the in red recove . for ected Fe heen then i years.) ' pul ly oi . awa) ais uU, one and illustrates this idea. There, afterthe ten tribes ~ were utterly separated to spiritual whoredom, or idol- Se . Haze, 4 a : bay | ih shail There is a passage 1n Hosea 1V. E FA ae } | ; mitt 7 pete one O Fone? sa reer shall COMIe , atry, and n ‘ Gue walk * act one 5S 3 Isai. xlix. F ni . 21. Nor would they themselves plead at that time, ‘“‘ though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel (tlhe. S Jews) acknowledge us not.”’ oan “ooh ; her spiritual . inquire, ‘* ‘These, where had they been ?”” ss 6é . ael : backsliding Isr alle ali But the same cds oe I e God lowse e t olas Gay Oh m | ries, (having il aca <* on* by2? inguishe Sodd branches are dist: ter Judah. sis us ro he ac hee y ire two those UW. Jews would not at last (on their being united to them) a > ye . Israel. ad lcrael of Ton surely must have provided a place for their safe keep- > ing, aga distinct people, in some part of the world, They must during that gece during that long period. od, have been unknown to the Jews as Israelites ; and ° consequently unknown to the world as such; or the ota th of US assures passage 3 which he | revived a distinct exist- must now have, somewhere on earth, show le are to of that ancient peop both the branches promise that the la leai. xi. after the restored. ored 5 st Israel shall be rest alla 1 UV! otea d Jev ewes, also of | ‘vel to This has never yet had even a partial your fathers.” Its event is manifestly future. accomplishment. ver The eutail of the covenant must as surely reco ns Roma in s show Paul the ten tribes as the Jews. with , Jews the of xi. the consistency of the rejection And he the entail of the covenant with Abraham. tial makes their final restoration in the last days essen But this inspired argument as to this consistency. ‘The people of thy thine inheritance. Or, our le.’’? ss essed it but a litle whi . holiness have po d what thou didst prom ‘sed land enjoye the in s or st ce an ritance, but a engage I have given the land of the north, to the land that of tribes the 73 OF JUDAH AND ISRAEL. STATE PR ESENT THE 79 with the 0 together out were given up to total 16, 7 +t | which confirms backshding, God says; ‘Ephraim is joined to idols, let him alone.” God was going to let him alone for a jong period till the time of his restoration in the last days. Inthe preceding gl i _ . or | : |