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Show THE PRESENT STATE OP —his native place—after he left college, there was du up in Pittsheld by one of his neighbours, probably trom an lndian grave, some written p archments €pCicsed in a cover of skins. These parchments he obtained, took sthem to Boston, had them read, and found them to be the same with the parchments used in Jewish phylacteries, and well written in Hebrew. » Mr. Lariied added that he left them with the Rev. Dr. Elliot of Bosten, Dr. Boudinot obtained Jeave of Mr. Larned to send and hot receiving this information from Dr. Griffin, the writer wrote to Rev. Dr. Humphrey, then minister of Pittsteld. requesting him to see what further information might be there obtained relative to this matter. - He returned ap auswer. {t was justas Mc. Humphrey was about leaving his jeo- / pie for the Presidency of the Amherst Collegiate lustiine An answer was returned. that hands same acc hota Jew. they A iitiauarik soriety Society. of the Autiquarian with that to have could, Pe then were He » stated of Mr. Humphrey, minister in the centre % a in the the earth had been dug the also, the ort oe asia d of the York, was by him informed that he ae i+ Gebfinding of these parchments 5 but ee fl aiid promany was known to have resided . | re ae sae had a bably Jost them. Another supposcd k a might ace custom of burying their phylacteries : Beep paid had count for this phenomenon. ies oe thus been laid to rest restive lo the pare ‘L he over the place, the work deepest, a kind where some hard substance, probably for the purpose of carryIngit. He conveyed it into his house, and threw it in an old tool box. He afterward found it thrown out of doors, and again conveyed it to the box. After Some time he thought he woul d examie it. He attempted to cut it, and found it hard as a bone. He Sticceeded in cutt ing it open, and found it was formed raw hide, séwe d and made water Ugit with the sinews of some animal; aud in the fold ae 3 dt pt was done, of black strap, about six inches in length, and one anda half in breadth, and something thicker than a dedw leather of aharness. He perceived itthad at each enda loop of of Pieces Of thick al After he discovered, near r uneven. Waiking been left in aa ear eRe ‘Tie writer atierward speaking Rt a of New- ~ celebrated ared sig i ape bisa. of parchments if the togee now living.) He ploughed and conveyed away old chips and earth, to some depth, as the surface of the earth appe aye . lost. these _parchments some distance Mr. Merrick is a sirmg him gud} ae a iS Jew probably the writer was afterward informed, at from the middle of the town where a some The authot wrote also to J. iverts, ectable character in the church of Pittstield , and in the county, as the minister of the place informed. Mr. Merrick gave the following account; That in 1815, he was Hill, (a place in Pittsfield so called, and lying , as field, net long after the said parchments were found, that with levelling some ground under and near an old wood-shed standing ona place of his, situated on Tn dian but without much success. But he informed that he hada distinct recollection. that when be cume (0 i tts heard considerable said upon this sub.ect. found an impression on his mind. that it x BS beey there from . to however had ae attention inquiry, or two who in several years of the first settlement of the plac e. One and ali answered in the negative, that no Jew was ever kaown in Pittsfield, as they believed, till Rev. Mr. Frey was there a few weeks before. The man was then found who first discovered the parchmen ts under consideration. This was Joseph Merrick, Esq. a highly resp . much mation—one ati pay cousiderable town he took pains to ascertain whether any Jew was ever known to have resided or been in Pittsfield ? loquiry was made of different aged people, aud who it was thought would be likely to give the most corr ect infor- a made he took a journey seine He With some of the first Characters of that ee and he could not subect. to Pittsheld. thing about this, not yet investigated, me tution; re- Rng” On he highly might be some- = subject. whom there ee the one w done upon by err could advised who apprehended 5 reason But being spected, and ” for some writer concluded to pay no further atte ntion to the subject. aaa “but 219 => more was sent; Dr. Elliot soon after died ; and nothing ISRAEL. =< | He AND a RP take them. obtain them. JUDAH a ae a 218 |