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Show hea = _— ae eRe that can preserve him. oe . —" anor the injuries they ad that he had in store, he has given tot enone? ee been robbed by your sce te = innocent torepay themseives.”” — he original peaceable and ore the - anlue renee or aes elf ing re come down irem a divin = ails eianies but shall content my- preface with a remark, These I shall =e ae that the Indian cruelties can. es Oe Is ese with two. s yt chet coi ioc Indians testifies ace } ak ee” oo et eral ifestly occasioned by the aa ae one from various of our people, tyes jr own tradishece Eh ‘onary notions, which they think accor : vw ods — hance that the white people are out . 1 ae . of the Great Spirit once mace we ed the accursed pecple, and may wel Ch oe her Ces free Peace to But let us bear the testimony | 0 tives lumbus, as given in EKcwards’ West Ib oe he when land. gk , his ee Writing to Be Sc unent: OF: hospitable temper peaceable and the this ‘Spain ‘first oer Y ter Mistress in Spain, } Masand bale Sa that there is nota Says 5 . ca | than these (natives ° ere. af better peopie in the word able, or mild. ‘They America;). more afiectionate. a ere roval Their language eetaull's 5 for, te erf most che rrse fire ge : love their neighbours as thcinse ” sen DOTPHE ana the so fiest, “Se : reroute is the sweetest, we siting.’ An old native approw they always speak oe . o mimer fruit, said, (as De him: with ci a baske t offearst o ine5 e e angers s.) “* If . vp ee ; eood ; c’ ae x eroti pect Lo SR ae tO D conduct © : die, rewarded : tn E d at a! Wi a and who do none to you. bac ae: believe with renee tie presen”t, y he sub ©ect to mertal tt) i after {hl ey vat alice . Men. ree faiure these of _ suv unapprized be cannot Fs pee is mee men design s ‘Biggs the the is another. In which * ve ~ Gis there : aeare ) you r of Inte state por | Tf therefore | weryv one us< thet _ ever)io accer aing acc § ' eu will do no burt to his il pose My other quotation is from Dr. Boudinot. He as sures us he was present when Gen. Knox gave a dinner, in the city of New-York, to a deputation of Indians, sachems anda chief, from hidiaa nations at the west, who caine witha messase to our President. He ** A little before dinuer, two or three of the sach Says3 ems, with their chief, went into the balcony at the front f the house ; the drawiug room beg up stairs. of From this they had a view of the city, the harbour, Loug I{sland, &c. &c. After remaining there a short time, they returned into the rooin. apparently dejected ;— the chief more than the rest. Gen. Knox took notice of it, and said to him ; Brother; what has happened to you? You look sorry! Is there any thing to distress you? He answered ; Pil tell you brother, I have been looking at your beautiful city—the water—your fine country—and see how happ great y you aliiare. But then I could not help thinking that. this fine country, and this great water were once ours.— ' Our ancestors lived here. They enjoyed it as_ their | Ownin peace. I[t was the git of the Gre at Spirit to them and their children, At last the white people came here ina great canoe. They asked only to let ,them-tie it to a tree, lest the water should carry it afway. We consented. They then said some of their { people were sick ; and they asked permission to land. them and put them under the shade of the trees. The ice then came, aud they could not go away. They then begzed a piece of land to buiid wigw ams for the winte r. We granted it to them, They then asked for some corn to keep them from starving. We kindly furnished it to them. They promised to go awa Whea the ice was gone. When this happened, told them they must now So away with their biz noe. we ca- But they pointed to their big guns, round their Wizwaims, and said they would stay there, and we could Hot make them go away. Wey broucht spirituous and _ them. of \Persuaded which us the Indians Afterwards more came,— intoxicating bec came to sell th. ‘msome drove us back, cs, es 2 liquors very fond. land. Finally, with The they to time, into the wildernes s ; once ils Reippanta by 133 a become For he feels that among men ee ISRAEL. pee vn AND ie ee And earlier than the sun appears agai he gives thanks for his protection dur- JUDAH > t Spirit. hills OF - oe STATE PRESENT THE |