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Show #, Ph | | of Israel, than could that, =a | ce lived where people their ancient fathers on tair the that nine tenths of dreadfully wicked, and ng bei left that wicked place, thers took counsel and y’; that they Spirit into this countr ays winter, i alw region where it was é came through a a great qvater A} to That they came frozen. led by the Great Sen keeping ft for use ; and certain religious cerof itis brought to this feast. You find them keeping an tl emonies performed. t cut twelve ae you sta not say, we have just xg | oe bring that people to ligat dence, as must at last Would all found e ted baba eee subject, as ate ve < mueh evidence to show : terest with the g Gals of them come less frequently uw 1der our observae-. attyacted ates Hao learned in Hurope, have not till lately uo! ie6, among ou rselves. : ‘Bat as the mations are now tast vanishing, and the individ% — ari a ¥ — ae te te OIE mg etre the adduce a he that to nei he a Ae reviewing ven In iaiagmaptnieet Reviewers, natives of this continent are the tribes of Israel,) remark thus ; “* The history and character of the Indian tribes of North America, which have for some time been a subject of no inconsiderable curiosity and in- Cet a American fore the New- York Historical Society, (in which attempts _ . North ey ee w se aera ee ie*<n The sermon of Docte-Sarvis. on this subject, delivered be- E EAE aed we Se li Spbale ats ER oe will appear. ‘y meee iin time, ons shed on the time to ee has been, from ee ten mete é ce This, il is stated, has been a by various of their belo- ved or wise men, exhibited. patches tribes, the whole have been, the fact. Men have beéreradually perceiving this evidence for more than half a century ; and new light a ks or letters, but ; pat such a people, without boo of the world en ; — — age state, in a region mqeresav 9 . — d, away in the direction stated by oo a; and having —ep writer in the Apocryph ew ae ‘outcast not are have clearly exhibited some of them; and others exhibited others of them’; and if among their various Eis au evidences These hinted. Nor may all the Inamong any one tribe of Indians. of these evidences various dians in any tribe, where It is enouzh, if are found, be able to exhibit them. what they cail their beloved aged men, in one tribe, covered pee Goud among this newly dis derived from the cere exclusively to -. = ‘ ancient Israel. : st ngs thi find uld ipais you sho during Their_place, been sep ractising a religious rite of to the ancient ane O s wer which almost precisely ans And many other ar . Moses upon this subject. p es W aie — ple, are the aborigines of our own continent! their languave, their traditions, amount to all that bas mus al feast, in which twelve men (on an altar made ° e Her poles, to make a booth. tool may pass) they must twelve stones, on which no of washYou find them 3 with the customin dee _, gacrifice. lep p af-| And | when * ng their dead. ‘nti ing 5 g and anoint fin th,y, and their their hand on thei. r mou i fliction, laying -flicti lously You find them most. scrupu mouth in the dust. a ir the arating ere sent them to of Israel ? and that God “~ * keep them there region of the earth to os te ol . < witnesses, as- who But you enquire, sure us that these things are facts. where or who are the people thus described? ‘They e their ears of corn become an annual feast, at the tim en, till a part and none of their corn is eat wledge of the from the te kno ded you cluuld say you had founc # ie | ss to ita hes ‘wo have been eye and ear men, from oon Mens ands in Bee nee fro ed up that water; (probably itYou find them ring’s Straits.) eee arte and dri #thus obstructed, till Goe and their way hither was islthe n ze betwee snow expected, have been eo > rationally _ after the lapse of 2500 years ina savage state? Me- thinks | hear every person whisper his full assent, that upon the suppositions made, we have found the most essential pile of the prophet Ezekiel’s valiey of dry bones! Ezek. xxxvil. 3; 1—14. 5. These things are more than mere supposition. It is believed they are capable of being ascertained as Good authorities facts, with substantial evidence. Pe their traditional history the people | more evidence of this kiad, of their being ve a oa . is much’ not say, here ~=, gar” : would you And _ the nations ? throats with I with 79 ate You find them e ISRAEL. me 7 399 AND aap Reda eating. oct their and JUDAH - are h walking, were worn’ out wit OF ease Pg. wm THE PRESENT STATE Bits we 78 i ~ ss |