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Show 952 ADDRESS OF THE PROPHET ISAIAH. sand arguments on the people of our Christian land, and of our superior advantages, to aid the children of Abraham, from whom we have received the blessings of salvation, and who in their turn are in a perishing state, and are stretching out their hands, and direct- ing their wishiul eyes across the Atlantic same word of eternal life? May to they here us, for a return of that find a present asylum ; and here be led to the * Balm of Gilead, the Physician there.” CONCLUSION. 1. It becomes us to be deeply affected with the ex- Communication of the ancient people of God. In the temporary rejection of those two branches of the He- that the brew nation, the truth is solemnly enforced, God of Zion is a God of government; and. that he will be known by the judgments that he executeth. The casting out of the ten tribes for their impious idolatries, is full of instruction. The wonders God had done for them, and all their privileges in the land of promise could not save. when they rejected the stated place of his worship, and united in the abominations of the open enemies of God. They should be excommunicated {rom the covenant, hurled from the promised land, and abandoned toa state of savage wretchedness, for two anda halfmillenaries. ‘Their sin in those dark ages of the old dispensation was no trifle. lis conse abies ‘ held up as an awful warning to the world lt dan ; : ses the following language ; “ Know thou and sie that itis an evil thing and bitter that thou hast forsake n th Lord.” To that event people under vileges ought to turn their eyes, and warning. we evangelical i. take the sol ade The God of Abraham is a God of jud Se blessed are all they that put their trust ip ae e a mcments of Heaven on the Jews were sil} pers eadful, The Lord of that vineyard did indeed a day oo ey looked not for him, and jp aw |