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Show s . ee. : ace “ Jf ‘ . Re ag #a & £ %. . = 2 ? we es =‘ : 3s 6 ;- oe z & - naan — ss é > £eit * 1*Pee GF JUDAH AND ISRAEL. THE PRESENT STATE: /4 & No ee = 7" a OV us e . och from e : ~ 1 invectivat iy ancient Israel; es s southward. id : ic ae appear most strikingty t es of civilization and imdegrees of Civillzati ; f Ww e account for all thee Se provements existing In past ages among oO the > natives _ ‘isio a seregions. ; akties How perfectly consentabeous are ee ay the scheme presented in the tee acts stated, i into this this whe new continenae ding pages, 7 that Israel brougntht into . es OB ye 4sa : ri eee LLG considerable degree of civilization; and Bat Rie ;we |} etaacc hoi rec maintainit. But eile othe to MiAitath ee4 part of them long laboured ins sonseq *é wee ae > = hunting the into ell ; and in these . savage 1e) : northern regions! — eae paintings and have desc : ended that could and knowledge remembered) agree the from of the north-east of Europe. well = ows.” And it is as natural an event that their brethren, in the wilds of Amer ica, should place them in their silent hieroglyphical paintings.) "Whence could have been derived the kno wledge of the accurate hieroglyphical paintings, which this most learned author exhibits as found among some of the Indians? unless they had learned them from people to whom the knowledge of hieroglyphics had been transmitted from Keypt, its original source? It appears incredible that such improvemenis in this art, and the knowledge of the Jewish harp, should be tra nsmitted from the ancient barbarous people of Scythia. If any can believe it, i is hoped they will be cau tious of ever taxing others with credulity. Such evidence, it is believed, Weighs many times more in fav our of their extraction. M. Humbolt informs us from Israelitish Meozino (of whom he speaks with great resp ect, ) rela tive to Indians fat Nootka, on the nor vs with agree north and the ancient salesithit ‘year e, os ar s barbarou et horc“des “3 “ae ts and improve state of Israel. +t is orical proceeds -; 6 Tradition and hist see Sicha: a Huebuetlapailan, Tallan, = ‘thor te wandering civillectantnatlons. of f theseSees day of any this at remains os ereas TF residence the first lan, ancicn eile There are no he north of Rio Gua, zation of the human spec's’ ll d through by Hearne, aad thern regions traveile : ~ ae reverns Fiedler, 173 and Mackenzie. But on the north. west coast, specially under the bane 4 Nootka and Cook river, Nas folk Bay, and b7th degree of nor‘h . —3 His ayif a sctide da0 taste a for . Cox ;Q Pe Hum! Canal, os y hical the Saas ain ines. “(See Worse eat th-west coasts. Of the writings of this author, he says; “ _ These embrace agreat num - / er of curious subjects ; viz. the union of the civil and ecclesiastical power in the ’ 3 de Drs sear cA har says ai 375. Dixon, Pp» — yphical paintings vit) represente in the merog d 'yP Sists of - America; ‘ TER ae ‘i ‘e ark famous harp inhab ofthe . ‘ect itant at least.So as rem arKadie,% itn enl 4D am Bs inclin .on Bec oat of the kings of oe»)} cc c aie _ and ved) AZae tions O on the migra as most nmprov e’. Imp ik (the tribes noted as most tees netot ir course to discuss the \ How should the American Indians pdewish harp? The Jews in Babylon be led to paint the “hung their harps / upon the will § civilized more,‘e, crv their Se (let it be repeated they : a1) and eventually annihilated SD ecetrahice rethren, records, conseq uent : invad ed e ‘a * gwhose barbarous hordes all r is not the place Taultees, or Aztees. The general question of the first origin of the inhabitants of the continent, is beyond the limits presented to history; and is not perhaps even a philosophical question.”” Thus our author decl ines giving any opinion on this subject. But he here give s it as his opins pion that these more improved tribes. in New Mexico ._/ came from the north-west coast, and left some of their \ ~ | half civilized brethren there. / Among the hieroglyph|| ical paintings of the latter, it seem s, the harp is found. / \ Was not this a noted Israelitish musi cal instrument ¥ u io 1 y , THNothesis. most strikingly to favour our , hypothes “ This great problem of the Asiatic orig in of the Wiculties 1S it seems as on er . accounts have obtained ene ite ni Ms might at once = ‘appear oi arca ins estigator,‘ he known the present . theory o ee some tribes remained on the coasts of New Norfolk and New Cornwall, while the rest co: otinue d the x Ai, y wonder these questions should arise in the oe O , hilosophical mind of this 185 sam —the struggle between Qua e persons of the princesse~ — ulz and Mat! and bad principle by which the good the world is ax, governed ami the origin of the human species at the time when Were without stags horns, birds withou t wings, &c. ;—the cla, i | MALS 0 (Yen eh: Gar JA. “Ff 2 L€ Za Cth. Ge cS ; |