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Show zom J oA - gi ab ’ a*~ of THE PRESENT STATE | .. , es | at at Spirit had a gre rehension that their one Gre ans, it seems, went uvi Per the And e. affinity to tofirem Here seems 4 go faras body him 1n the sun. Persian idolatry, with the shred of mixture of the the more ancient Israchtes theocracy of Israel. As kgypt, idolatrous distemper of the caught a degree of the calf; so the ten tribes, den gol ir the In s ear as app and before they set off for time they resided in Media, d. some idea of fire with blende had America, may have veneration the Peruvians ms their one God. But the see h, en of the Most Hig for their Incas, as childr that their tradition from Israel, t ien anc of ed shr a bebut ed ; and is $0 fac from int ano ly ine div e wer kings , that ing an argument against their beingt. of Israel . the fac it operates rather vn favour of the — cage : of s orm inf ot en Doctor Boudin had a name for God, wh Torth America, that they oa - there Is a God, as well as yous 29 ise taught to ascribe the pra ure us, the Indians make same authors ass 4 ‘ j 1 : o n ~~ a AUS 23 a 4 101 guttur: i } 5 | : . . 1e names of the God of Israel. of ae eee 1 Lae Often have : * e ? 3 j ae been informed, and smiled at the fact. ‘ < Fe - ubs that an Indians’ belief of the co te cies ao denominate the deity above; and seem to have sone boneral ideas of " jan vernment and proviBence adivemal pee ania is go The immorinion. tality of the soul was Ba an dom itted among the : as every where se. adm bés.> fuidian tri tesa linc ccsitaee this place, 3 years gland ago.a =. by the | number wees | of of men were , yovern ee (lease relited“the ” ee sent ‘ minis ero at about fifty from New- n- the Mississi 5 t aoe oF Berea Sate the region of Bhat < ; 1 ppl, to torm some treaty with the Indians ews, , they like the ancient Hebr or at once. They ng. w or , mee : tioning these together name in their sacre’)’Mr. Ada s thi of les lab syl peat the o-he—-he-wah-—wah. sin awain| 5 thus; Yo-yo, or ho-h ter this they beg lyas te Af « ys Sa e, sam the upon And frequent u-yab-yah. Hal-hal-le~le-lu—l . £ Thus adaing to the - nahic = and so strange and the Great Spirit ; the me of God, like of the mysterious na ls tia ini the of ‘ or the e us the ancient Hebrews; hovah 5 of on at mm ra az tr te Je t the : the name of l letters w hich form Yy-O-He waah. _ ica rad ic r rad fou 7 ROR LED LLAEN ounce thus, as the Indians pron are catitious 6 oe . wah.” snail Being of Nance on The Say Besa Ae ISRAEL. AND * i ally cri ened wah! ThisIndian, hurt or fright ued Boesrntis cries out Jah ioe tertot bis ! or O nal religion;| O = AB Synd : ay ta | the US assure : * k \ ye lanl ‘ss ailu—yo-Siilu— yo-Shilu—he-Shily eee. ; ns eo} people Jy their sacred.dances, Yohewah ;"—-praise to Jah vah_ [Indians sing ‘¢ Hallelu return victorious from their y the dition Jehovah. When h; having been by tra wa e-h Yo g, sin y ; the wars, to God. authors these JUDAH OF mus; erent ways; Upon . a God who created all things business, you fool ! r you ut abo replied, “ Go know 4 My . . s: ; a Indian pronunciation that it seems : ité took FOr took a a‘lo:ae to perceive that Se ee sip cai deethat these savas avages were by tradition pro- ng He speaks of a preacher S bei Great Chief Father. an ic er Am the ore bef amone-the tirdians “at the south, orm them that there Is revolution, and beginning to inf which they twe 4ta gm EF , + aie : 5 “aon ii ik Sa Jehovah by its sacred syllables 2s like these he hebeen adi ave tS Psi eas 2€ found among aeIndians ofaj oc. Se ee, America, Syllables and letters . : name of God have b een so : trans Deals, nsposedsas in dif- one of their na do not ‘ : a Stow ent Sle: : whole train strik t halle ee e Pe e The ”? léluvah. . | *4 the name of Shilu l CA2 ntly basing ‘ist ey it frequetote SONH; O the name of God of les lab syl the with ) ist Sh; snilo, Chr added: thne toy Nar And y cause.” Be nifes, “« the great, the beloved, hol ba ae Ab o— ht Is o— ng mes of God,_ is Mi dignantly 4 ; nee iera , f re >is Sa Px ; at b . ees Pi Ae | >a al se se ao F gsat . ¥ Pe gen wa = bain aiviest fo: . anes commissioners were there the from an Indian chief came ats Petknce he cails what stance | ofof wha s several moons , westthe to noons ne ward. heard that white men were eave bine : t o eee enquire of them .where the Great Be; a i made all things. veit, whoaye being iinformed And bei ngs. “And dhreuek ~ TN i. aor r or the divine omnipresence a ie Nips ae he : us eyes and hands to heaven wit! ar ha ecstacy, and looking round Mab cata inci: leaping, ; he seemed penhan “re verenc e te €xpress theeer Sgngreates eee tee and i delight. ce ead man « ae s had heen s sioner commis Went .. ee man ; ; this Incident cured him, so that h oe © was not ; Q* i ——/ |