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Show • 162 THE ORDINANCE OF 1787. a motion of Mr. Monroe upon the sub}ect of tho Western Terri tory. On the lOth of May, 1186, a report was made by another committee, consisting of Mr. Monroe of Virginia, Mr. ,John on of Connecticut, Mr. King of Massach nsett~, Mr. I{eu.n of South Carolina, and Mr. Pinckney of South Carolina, to whom a motion of Mr. Dane, for considering and reporting the form of a temporary government for the Western Territory, was referred. rrhis report, after amendments, was recommitted on the 13th of July fol-lowing. On the 24th of August, 1186, the Secretary of Congress was directed to inform the inhabitants of Kaskaskia "that Congress have under their consideration the plan of a temporary government for the said district, aud that its adoption will be no longer protracted than the importance of the subject and a due regard to their interest may require." On the 19Lh of September, 1186, a committee, consisting of Mr. Johnson of Connecticut, Mr. Pinckney of South Carolina, Mr. Smith of New York, Mr. Dane of Massachusetts, and Mr. IIenry of Maryland, appoillted to prepare a" p1an of temporary government for snch Di ' lricts or New States as shall l>e laid out by the United States upou tho principles of the acts of cession from individual Stales, and admitted into the confederacy," made a report, which was taken np for consideration on the 29th, and, after some eli cussion and several motions to amend, tho further consideration was postponed. On the 26th of April, 1781, the same commiUee (Mr. Johnson, Mr. Pinckney, Mr. Smith, Mr. Dane, and Mr. ] fonry) reported "An Ordinance for the government of 1 he Western Territory." It was road a second time, and amended on the 9th of May, when the next day was assigued for the third readiug. Ou the 1Oth the order of the day TilE OHDIN A~CE OF 1787. 163 for the third reading was called for by the Stale of Mnssachnsetls, and was postponed. On the Uth and l Oth of May, Massachusetts was repre. en ted by Mr. Gorham, Mr. King, and Mr. Dane. 'rhe propo. iLion which, on Mr. King's motion, was "committed" on the 16th of March of tho preceding year, was not in the Ordinance as reported by the committee, nor was any motion made in the Congress to insert it as an amendment. Tho following is a copy of the Ordinance, as amended, and ordered to a third reading: AN ORDINANCE For the Gover·nment of the Western Territory. It is hereby ordained by the United Slates, in Congress assembled, That there shall be appointed from time to time, a Governor, whose commission shall continue in force for the term of three years, unless sooner revoked by. Congress. There shall be appointed by Congress from time to time, a secretary, whoso commission shall continue in force for four years, unless sooner revoked by Congrr. s. It sha1l be his duty to keep and preserve the acts and laws pas od by the General .Assembly, and public reco rds of the distri ct, and of the proc eding;R of the Governor in his executive department, and transmit authentic copies of su<~h acts and proceedings every six months to the Secretary of Congress. There shall also be appointed a court, to consist of three judges, any two of whom shall form a court, who shall have a common law jurisdiction, whose commissions shall continuo in force during good behavior. And to secure the righLs of personal liberty and property to the inhabitants and others, pnrchasers in the said dislt·ict. it is hereby ordained tltu.t the inhabitants of such districts shall ul ways be enti tlod to the l>enoftts of the act of habeas corpus, and of the trial by jury. 'rhe Governor and jnrlgcs, ot· a majority of them, shall |