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Show 106 TllE Fl~:DERAL CONVl'~~TION. ministers; he shall take care thnt the .laws be fa.ithfully executed, and sha.11 commi:;;sion all the ofhe rs of the United States. Section 4. 'l.'he Prcsitlcnt, Yice Presid nt, nnf1 nll civil officers of the United States, , hall be r mov ·d from ofiir·c on impeachment for and convictiou of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanor~. . . AR'riCI-'E 3. Section 1. The JUdlctal power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Comt, and in such inferior courts as the Conp;re, s mny from lime to time ordain and establish. The judges both of I he sn prrme nnd inferior eonrts, shall hold their office~ during good behn. vior, and shall, at stated times, receive for th eir services a compensation, which shall not be diminished dnring their continuance in office. Sect1 · 0n 2. 'l'hc jndicinl power shall cxtrncl to all caseR, in law and eqnity, arising nuder this Com;titntion, the lnws of the United States, n,ml treaties mude, or which Hhnll be made, under their authority ;-to all ca. cs affcetin g- ambassadors, other public ministers and con uls ;-to all enses of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ;-to controversies to which the United States shall be a party ;-to controvrr ies hetwcen two or more States ;-between n tate an<l citizens of another Statc;-betwecn citizens of different Stntcs;between ciLir,ens of the same State claiming lnncls under fp·nnts of different Stutes, an(l lJctwecn a State or the cili· zens thereof, and foreign state , citizens or snbj cct~. In all cases n.ffecting ambnssadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a State shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have orig-innl jnri diction. In ~dl the other cases before menlionecl, the Snprcme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with snch exceptions and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. The trial of all crimes, exr.cpt in cases of impeachment, TLIE FJ£JJEHAL GONVEN'l'lON. 107 Ehall be by jnry ; nnfl such trial shall be held in the State where the said crimes shall have brcu committed; hu t when not com mitt cd within :my la te, the triu 1 ~ hall be at snc h place or plaees a the Cong rrss mny by ln.w have directed . Section 3. Treason ~' g-<lin st the U ni ted States shall consi t only in levying war ngain st them, or in adlteriug to their enemies, giviug them nitl and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason urd ess on tho testimony of two witnesses to tllC same overt act, or ou confession in open court. 'l'he Congress Rl rall have power to declare the p unishment of trenson, but no attainder of tr(•nson shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture, except during the life of the p rson uttainteJ. ARTICLE 4. Section l. Full faith :tnd credit shall be given in each State to the pul)l ic uelK, reco rd s, un <l jtrdic inl proceedings of every other State. And the Co11gr<'SH nt;ly, by general laws, pres •riue the mann er in whid t su ·h aclH, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the cfreet thereof. Section 2. The ci tizcns of each Stnte shnll be en tit led to all the privilege: and immunities of citizeus in the cvcral States. A person charged in nny State wi th t reason, felony, or other crime; who .· !tall flee from j ustice, a11d be foHtld in another State, shall, on demand of t lre execu tive au thori ty of the State from which he fl ed, be del ivered up, to be removed to the State ha vin g- j urisdi ction of the crime. No person held to service or labor in one Stn.te, un <ler the laws thereo f, escaping into n not her,. hall, in eo n ~<'()llC IH.'C of any law or regulation th erein , be dischar,gerl from such service or labor, but shall be dvlivercu up on claim of the party to whom such service or la.l.Jor mny be due. Section 3. N cw States may be admitted by the Congress into this Uuiou; Lui no uew State shall be formed or |