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Show 112 rrnE FEDERAL CONVJC\ I':oN. warrants by oath pbce to sr izcu. shall issue, but upon probable canso, s~1~ported or aflirmation, and purtieularly de. ?nb!llg the be searched, and tlte persons or ilnngs to be r:; 11.'" l1erson shall he hchl to answer for a ARTJCLE ;). l.' 0 cap1. ta1, oro tl1 e1.w isc inf'· unons crime, unl ess . on a prcs.e .n t- ment or l.i H.1 1. 0 t men t of a grand J·ury ' ex.c e. p. t Ill case.s ansmg 1 d . al forces or in the nJihtm, ·when 111 actual 111 the an 01 nav... ' fierv1· ce m· ,L ·l lUC o f w'· tr or JHiblie danger; nor shal.l any pe.r · b b. • for the same ofl'cnsc to he tw1ec put 111 ROll e SU JCCli ' • • J f l'fc or limb. nor hull be compellcu m any JCOpnrcty o I . ' . . . . d cr.u m.n a 1 ca c to be n. witness fl.ot> 'fllnst lnm elf, 1101 be e-l) l'ived of life, liberty, ot· property, wi thout c~uc proc.ess of law; nor shall private properLy be taken for public use, without just compensation. . ARTICLE 6. In all criminal prosecutiOns, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy nn<l publi_c trial, l~y an im-par t.t a1 J ·U ry of the State anu ui ·t. rict w. he.r em the cnme shall have been been committed, wh1ch d lt:itncL shall have been previously ascertaiue<l by law, and to be iuf01·med of ~he nature aud cause of the ace usa Lion ; to be confronted w1th the witnesses again:t him; to have compuh;o ry proc_ess for obtaining witnesses in his favor, nnd to have the ass1stance of counsel for his def'en. c. ARTICLE 7. In su its at common law, where the value in controversy sha11 exceed twenty do11ars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact trictl by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. ARTICLE 8. Exccssi vc Lail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel an<.l unusual punishments inUicted. ARTICLE n. '11he enumeration in the Const·t tn t'lO D, of certain ri!!hts shall not be construed to deny or disparage C.' ' othe1·s retainrd hy the people. 'Jlll.E FE DE H.AL CONVE:V'T'TO~ . Jl~ ARTICLE 10. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the SLates rcspctli\'cly, or to the people. ARTICLE 11. 'rhe judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in Jaw or cqnity, commellccd or prosecuted against one of the U11 ited States by citizens of another State, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign State. ArtTICI.. E 12. 'rhe IDl ecto rs Rhnll meet in their rc. peclive States, and vote by ballot for Presiden t and Vice-President 1 one of whom, at lefl.st, shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with ihemscl ves ; they shall name in tl1 eir ballots the person voted for as President, and in di tinct ballots the person voteu for as Vice-President, nnd they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for ns President, and of a11 persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which ]isis they shall sign and certify, and transmit sefl.led to the scat of the govcrnm nt of the United States, direc ted to the Pre::;idcnt of the Senate ·- the President of the Sena te shnll, in presence of' the Sen'a te n11d lion. c of Hcprcscn tat i ves, open a11 the ccrt i ficates and the voles shall tiH'n be co un ted ;-The person having the greatest number of vote for Prcsid('nt, shnlJ be tl1c President, if such number lie a mnjority of the whole nn n1ber of Electors flpp oin tccl ; and if no person have ueh mnjority, then from the per ons lt a,· ing the highrst nu lllb('rs not exceeding three on tl1c list of those voted for ns Prc~id cot the llouse of R cpresentatirc8 .'hall choose immediately, by' ballot, the President. But in choosing the P resident, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from cneh State Laving one vote; a quorum for this purpo e :hall COJJs ist of a mem btr or mcml>crs from two-th irds of the States, and a majority of a11 the S tates shall be necessary to o. choice. And if the IIousc of Representatives shall noL 8 |