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Show 480 INAUGURAT~ AND FAREWELL ADDRESSES. have tho highest of human trnsts committed to your care. Providence has show •red on this favored land bles ings without number, and has chosen yon, as Lhe guardians of freedom, to pre~ervo iL for the benefit of tho hnman race. l\[ay lie wlw holds in his httnds tho de tinios of nations, make you worthy of tho favors he has be lowed, and cnn~le you, with pure hearts and pure hands, and slccplc. s vigilance to o-uard and defend, to the cud of time, the !!'rcat I 0 u charge he has committed to your keeping. My own race is 11early rnn ; ad vancc<.l arrc and failing health warn me that ueforo long I mn:t pass ucyon<l the reach of human events, and cease to feel the vicissilm1es of human affairs. I thank God that my life bas been spent in n. land of liberty, and that he ba · given me a heart to love my country with the affection of a son. And, filled with gratitude for your constant and. unwavering ki11dncs , I bid you a last and affectionate farewell. A.NDRBW JACKSON. CITAPTER XV. 'filE KANSAS-NEllitASKA DII~L. SooN after the organization of Congress in December, 1853, a Bill for the organization of the Territories of Kansas and N cbraska, was in lroduccd in tho Senate, and referred to the Committee on Territories, of which Senator Douglas, of Illinois, was chairman. On the 4th day of January, 1854, the committee reported a substitute for the entire Bill, together with a report, whieh, after reviewing the various provisions of the Bill, concluded as follows: 11 From those provisions it is apparent that tho compromise measures of 1850 affirm and rest upon the following propositions : 11 First. That all questions pertaining to slavery in the territories, and in the new States to be formed therefrom, are to be left to the decision of the people residing therein, by their appropriate representatives, to be chosen by them for that purpose. "Second. That all cases involving title to slaves and questions of personal freedom, are referred to the adjudication of the local tribunals, with the right of appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States. '' Third. That the provision of the Constitution of the United Stutes, in respect to fugitives from service, is to be carried into faithful execution in all the organized territo. rics, the same as in the States. Tho substitute for the Bill, wbich your committee have prepared, and which is commended to the favorable action of the Seuate, proposes to cany these propositions and principles into practical opo- 31 (481) |