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Show 84 THE Ff~nERATJ CONVENTTON. any new Slates crcalc<l within the limits of the United St:1tes the lcgi Llturc of the United St11t cs shall pos css I • • authority to rrguhllC the number of rcprescntn.llve:, 111 any of the foregoing cusr~ . upon the principle of their number of inhabitants, according to the provisions h rcafl r mentioned, namely-Provided a1wa.y~, that representation ought to be proportioned to direct taxation. And, in order to ascerL:1in the n.ltcra.tion in the direct taxa.tion which ma.y be required from time to time, by the changes in the relative circumstances of tho Statcs,- 9. Re[)olved, 'L'hat a census be taken within six ycn.rB from the fir t meeting of the legislature of the U11ilcd States, and once within the term of every ten y ars nJlcrwards of all the inhabitants of the United States, in the I manner and according to the ratio recommended by Con-gress in their resolution of the 18lh of April, 1783; and that the legislature of the United States sllall proportion tho direct taxation accordingly. 10. Resolved, That all l>ills for raising or approprinling money, and for fixing the ~aln.rics of the olliccrs of the government of the United States, shall ori~inn.tc in the first branch of the legislature of the United States, and shaH not be altered or amended by the second branch ; unu that no money shall be drawn from tho pulJlic trcnsury, hut in pursuance of appropriations to be originated by the first branch. 11. Rrsolved, That, in the second branch of the legisla-ture of the U niled States, each State shall ha-ve an equal vote. 12. Resolved, That a national executive be insLiLntcd, to consist of a sin~1e person ; to be chosen by the nn.tioMl 1egisln.tnre for the term of seven years; to be ineligible a second time ; with power to cn.J·ry in to exccnt1on the national laws; to appoint to omces in cases not otherwise provided for; to be removalJle on impeachment, and con· 'I'HE FEDEH.Af; CONVEN'l'lON. 85 viction or malpractice or nrgl 'Ct of duty·, to r eCC·I 'fC a ~xcrl c~ mpen satio11 ~or the <levo tion of his lime to the pubhe SCI'VIC(', to he pn1d ont or the public treasury. . 13. Rf'solvf'rl, rnw.t the nn.ti onal executive shall have a nght to nep;ative any legislative act; which shall not bo afterwords passed, nnlc:s by two-thirds of each branch of the national lcgi slatnrc. 14-. l~eso lt•£ul, 'l'hnt a national judiciary be established, to ·ons1st of one snprcrnc tril>tiJutl, the judges of which sha!l l>c appointed by the Hcconcl lJranch of the national lcg-1~bLure; to hold th eir offices dnring· good lJcha.vior; to rcc~1ve pt~llclnally, at stale<l limes, a fixed comp011, ation for thcu·.sc i'VIccs, in which no diminution, shall be made son~ lo aflcct the persons actun.lly iu office ut the time of such diminution. 15. Resn l1 C'd, That the national legislature be empowered to appoint infe1·ior tribunals. . 16. Re. olvccl, 1.'hat the jnrisdiction of lhc national judiCiary.~ hnll e.xtcntl to cases arising under laws passed by tho general l cg ~::datnrc, and to such other qncstions as involve the national peace and harmony. 1 ~ · !le.-olt cd, '.rhat provision ought to be made for the ad~l SS IOn of Slates lawfully ari ·in g· within the limits of the ~lilted States, wh.cthcr from a voluntary junction of government and tcrntory, or otherwise, with the consent of a number of voices in the national legislature less than the whole. 18. Re ·olvfd, That a republican form of government shall l>e guaranteed to each Slntc ; and that cn.ch State shall be protected against foreign and domestic violence. HI. Re.-olved, That provision ought to l>c made for tho amendment of the articles of union, whensoever it shall seem necessnry. . 20. Resolved, That the lcgislu,livc, executive, and judi-Ciary l)O wer:, W·i t l1 1·1 1 the several States, and of tho national c· .. •••• :·· t J .1:.. .·•·.~., .' .1 ~ .. ~ .... (l l" ;;l' " ... ::IJ ••••• 1'''1 •''I |