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Show CONTENTS. CIIAPTER I. Occurrences incident to the Act of Confederation-J effersou's notes of the debates on the Confedera.tion-Mr. Chase's motion in reference to white inhabitants-" White inha.bitauts" -Sla.ves-Negroes not considered members of the StateMr. Adams on the samo subject-Free and slave labor contr: tstcd-M:r. llarrison's compromise, that two slaves should be counted as one freemn.n, and remarks th ereon-M~r. "\Vilson against slavery- Mr. Payne's remarks- Dr Witherspoon against tax on slaves-Mr. Chase on the subject of each eolouy having one vote in Congress-Dr. Franklin, Dr. Witherspoon, Mr. Adams, Dr. Rnsh, Mr. Ilopkins, :Mr. Wilson, on the same subject-Ratification, and the Articles of Confede-ration ....................................... Page 21-43. fhe causes which led to the formation of the Constitution and wherein the Articles of Confederation were deficient for the purpose of a government, by Mr. Madison-Appointment of delegates to form a Constitution-Organization of the convention- Resolutions of Mr. Randolph, which became the basis of the Constitution-Mr. Madison, on the equality of suffrage-Speech of Alexander llamilton, advocating monn. rchical government; also plan of government submitted by him-Discussion continued-Angry .discussion between Mr. Mallison, Mr. Martin, and otbcrs-Dr. Franklin p;oposes prayer at the opeuing of the session-Ills remarks thereonMr. Randolph proposes a sermon on tbc 4.th of July-Pro- (15) |