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Show ~ 3.4 . . Of their Marriage.r • LIB. V1. Laha11.r itnto jacob, .concerni~g Leah, fulfill ker we~~' and we will alfo give thee th1s, Ge_n. 2 9· 2 7. tn whtch: fpeech, it is thought that Laban.dtd de fire Jacob, not to rejetl: and torn away Leab ~but ~o con fir~ the pr~fent marriage~ by fulfilling the ufoal days of her marrz• age fea{i. From this cuftom, together wnh _the pra .. ttife of Jojeph, mourning feven.dayes for Ius fathe"r, Gut • . 5o. 1 o. arofe that ufual prover~ among die:· , ~:!;r.l nnw.:> f Arx..,7eJ. .. KAIV@-. Jew.r septcm ad convivium, septem ad:/u{JrtnJ !he chief governor oft he fealt wa.s called(~) Baal tJJifchte; which name is fitly expreffed by being ca~led the (.r )ruler ofthefea{t,Joh.2.9 . Th~ modern Je'tP.r 1'! ltlllj, when they invite any t.o a. marJ"tzage ftafl, ufe t~ts forrn · of words sucli a one or Juch a one entreatet/J JfJ1t to credit his daHghter s :narr~a~e ~ithyour frefence at the fe'!ft,&c. Then he which ts tnvued r~p!tcth,(t) Mazal. a .:P~_,TO t h which fome interpret to be the Wlllitng ofgoodluc~~ rStH~t~ts de CU• 0 h. 1, h h by Was wifh· .Uv.l.2 .. c.;.. in general, but-1 rather t tn~ t at ere . . · ed to the married parties, 4 fpecial blefJ!ng ~n the _pro· cre~tioH of children: whence t~c '!l'edJ.tn~ rtng, giv~n unto the Brid-wife, had (N) thts tnfcnpuon or P? ·Ie M~~al tob.; and the Hebrews call the Planet Juptters ... Mazal, whofe influence they thought. to be of great., efficacy and force for generation:b_ut In truth, Mazal, fi . fi h ther Planet or Star tn the Heaven, ac-. . . c~~~i~t t~~h~ Hebrew Proverb, ( x.) There is no he~· !< Non t}h•it g h M 1 r s,,tr in the Ftr• rdlllhtrlnain- in the earth,that hat not a a_z4 •0 . N feriHI cui ~o,. mament anf~ering it,and ftri It"'/,· tt,faJt11g g~ow. how fit Ma'{al tn· b fi .6 h d . fo that the phrafe foundet as , firmament,, & to tgnt et goo , J h d od Planet ftrir ipfam much as be it Jonein agoou aur ,or un er ag{} h. • To ~J.:G ,_z, vte' t th~ time oftl\e marriag~ alfo, the man gave ts . (1 drct·ttt, f ..J b ·g which tbe Scrivener wrote, and th~ cr~fve~ . 1 e a u1wery t • ' , h b he endowed bLS Bride· groom pald f~r '. w ~rc y . (that is . : fpoufe, if{he were a v1 rg~n, wttb ~oo De111ers, fifty. L I B. V T. Ofiheir Marridgt l. '~l fifty iliekels) and iffbe h~d been married before with an. hundred Deniers, that is twenty five fhekelsand thts was called the root or princip~tl ifthl! dowrJ: the dowrJ might not be Iefs, but more, fo much as he waul~ , though it were to a talent of goldj There is mentton of a contraCt between Tobim and sarah, and that was performed,not by a Scrivener~ but by Rt1f/lel, the womans father; where we may obferve that before the writing of this bill there was a givtng of the woman 11Nio her hmhand. The form of words there ufed is, B.ehold, tak_e her after the law of MoJe~, Tohil.7, 14. A copy of this Dowry· bill is taken by Bertraflt out of the BabJlon Talmud. The words thereof are -thrn: (J)VpontheflxthdaJofthe weel{,thefolirthof T;l tJ the IJJ()nth Sivan, it~ .the Jear five thoifand two hNndred ~;/ ;:";!;.~· fft.)foHr oft he creation of the world, according to the Grammark ~ ~ompntation which we 11je here at Mafiilia, a City which ch~ad I· 38,9--. H fcit1tate near t!Je ~eafoore,the Bridegroom R;lbbi Mo-fes, thefon of I\abbt J ehoda, foid untp.lhe- Bridewife Clarona,tke _daughte~ ofRab~_i Davit(t he Jon tfRabbi lVJofes, aCttrzen of LJsbon;Be Ttnto me a wife according to the law ofM?fes an~ Ifrael ; and I acrording to the rvord of God, wrUworjhtp, hovour,maintain, and govern thee aceording to the manner oft he h1Hb4nd.r among the Jews, which d'() worfoip, honour, 111ain~ain, and govern their wifJes faith[HUJ)l alfo do heft ow upon thee the dow· rJ of thJ P'irginitt, 2 o~ Denier .r in filver, which belong u.~to thee bJ ~he law: a.n~ moreover, th) food, thJ appA• ref, andfo.ffictent nectjfttrte.r ; tH /ik_ewife the i(ntJw!edge ~thee, according to the crtfiom of all the earth. Thus claron a the Virgin rcfied and became a wife to Rahbi Mofo.r the fon of Jehuda, the Bridegroom. After the marriage was finifhed , then the wife might challenge from her Husband three things as H h ~ · dcbr0 |