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Show l92 . · 'fheircivilConft@ories. LIB. V. ;· ·their Judges fate: Hence istha.t, M,1t~.16. 1.8. ~e . ·gates of Hell iliall not overcome tt' that ts, nelther t -e jirength nor policy of Satan. . LaH:Iy, they d rffered ·in refpefr of thetr Power and 1 Deut,17,B . ., Allthoritj: the· Confi[lory offlventy received Cl) appe~ls from the other inferiour Courts, from th~t there \vas .no appeal; Again, the Confijlor~ of tbree fate not ~n life and death, but onely on petty matters, _as :whtp· ping, pecuniary controverfies, and fuch hke; t_he ._other oftwent.y three fate on life and deat~, bu~ wah .a refirained power~ they had not authonty to Judge an whfJle tribe~the High•prid_i,falfe ProphetJ, and other fuch weighty matters: thts belonged only to the fe· -m Cun£lu del .venty in Jerufalem:( m )Hence is that:.O Jerufalem j]eru· rep. Hebr.p . r l h 'ch l.iflefl.. the ProhhetJ Lu'··.1 3. ~ 4~ The means J-o9• J•* em"'w 1 ~ -.;•· r ' '\J J h bfc how they tryed .the falfe Prophet was thus; t ey o er· 1\'ed the judgement-s which he thre~tned, ~nd the-good .,which he prophefied to a place! tf t ~e Judgements took not effetl: this did not argue htm a falfe Pro• phet , becaufe G~d was mercifu l,as in the cafe ~f f!e~ed .f,Jah'J and the people might repent, as the Ntmvtter ·<lid: .but if he prophefied good/and that came not to pafs, they judged him a falfe Prophet. The ~round gf this. iryal they make the words of Jeremtah the Prophet. which .priJph:Jied of peace when the word of the . Lord jhalt come to pajs , then f/Ja/1 the Prophet be ltnown . that the Lordhath truiyftn.t ,him, Jer.l8.y. . The Colledge or company ef thefe feventy, exerct· fed judgme~t, not o~ly und~r the .Kin_g1 and ]udge1, -n p Galat.l-4. ( n) but thetr authonty .co.nttnued tn times of vacan• '"'P·S· cies when there was -neither judge nor King to rule o1ofepb Antiq. ifra~l, and it continued until ( o) Hcr~d p~t -them J•J4 ·'·•7· down and deUroyed them_:> to fecure htmfelt of the Kingdorne. · ' H ere The mdnner ofelel1i1tg Ju~et; s.)J· Here fame may object, that there were no fuch Courts, or their liberty much infringed in Samselr -time : for he went from ·year to year in circuit to Be· the/, and Gil gal, and Mizpeh, an:J judg~d Ijrael in ~u ·thofe places,_I Stun. 7· 16. Towhtcb, I take it> we n1ay fay, that as the E•pe.rours of Rome had power to ride Circuits, and keep Affifes, which was done without any infringement of the liberties of their Se11ate: So the Kings and Judges in J.fr~telhad the like power,and yet the authority of their Courts Hood firm. This kind o( judging by keeping Affifes, the Romans term:s: ed /J~J..w; x.ueJav, the other ~l$hW1 g-JJ11Ut<Tov. 'CHAP. V. .Properties req11ired in Jt~dges, and the manner of ·their eJellien. . . ~He Law of Goti required thefe propertieJ' is _t J. Judger: I. 1Yifdom. 2. Vnderftattding. 3- In· ,tegritJ. 4. Co11rage. Deut. r. 13. Others ar-e reckoned, Exod. x8. 11. namely, ·5. ThefearofGod, 6. Love of TrHth. 7. H;ating of ce?Jeteoujnefs: to thefe may' be ·added t.he eighth, namely, ·having no refpilJ ofpe.rfonJ', I ' . DeNt: I. ~7· T~ife two lafi tfpecially, the Heatken1 lCCJUtred 10 thetr Judges: whence the (a) Thebatts aPlJCt.ilelfil~, . pa~nted ]~tftice wilhout hands, and -without eJes, to in .. timate that Judges fhould receive no gifts, nor be ·fwayed with fight of perfons, . The (b)Je~s added many more. t. 1hat theJ00Hld h fi fi ltbl ;(J ifb d ,,_ h I"' bMo{et Kot[-tn4 e ree rom a emt.JIJ o o '1· 2. TrJat t CJ Jbould be in Sanhedrin, .t.f{#led itz thefeventy La11guages.., to the intent that they #!light .not need an li:Jterpreter in t-he he~tring ()f C~ufes. 3· Th1.1 theJ jho11/d,11ot he [11r ftri.c~en in Je~trs; ~hich C c li~e- ·~ . ( |