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Show LIB. I. oj~th.e PharifeeJ. fupetftition, which onl.y was aimed at in the ~eproof, though all the forts of wailiiog, t? tbe P harifee were fuperfritious, becaufe they made )t ,not .a . matter of outward dece1tcJ and civility, bu~ of reltgton, to eat with waiht or unwallit hands, urgtng fuch a neceffity n D_r11fi111J P'~· hereo( (n ~that in cafe a man may come to forne water, t·e Ttt; JM ~_t, ·,.I..) but no1t en) ou'gh both to wafh an d to d rt.n k , he 1t1u... ou Jd BJnu :a~atourefn.aJy. n1A0g . rather chufe to wafh than to dn• nk ' h n4t h d" t ou5" e Ie J~rd"ic. '· 6• 1· with thirfr And it was deemed amongft them as great 93.ex· Tallf1Md• a fin to cat •w ith unwailit hands, as to comnn• t c,o rn•tc a-tion. This Tradition ofwalhing hands, though it ~~re chiefly urged by the Pharifees, yet ali the Jews main ·tained it as appeareth by the places quoted . We O:ay obferve three forts of wafuing of bands in ufe among. the Jews. t. P harifaical and fuperflitiom, this was reproved. 2. ordi'!llrJ? for outwar? decency ; . this was aU owed. The thud, tn token of tnnocency ; this was commanded by the Elder J of the neighbour- · Cities, in cafe of murder, PeNt. 2 1 .• 6. It was praCl:ifed by Pilate, M4tth~37· 24• and alluded unt_o by David, I will -wa{!J my hands in innocency, fo will 1 co[ijpafs thine altar, Pfol.'26.6. 2. when tlJeJ cawefrom ·the Mar~et theJ wafht, Mar. · 7•4·The reaCon thereofwas,becaufe they there having to do with divers forts of people, unaware 7 they might be polluted. The word ufed by Saint l'll ark.~ is, · ~r~.rs11f$V'TtU, they baptized themfelves: implying the ,_ wajbing ()ftheir 'IPhole body. And it feemeth that thore Pharifees who were more zealous than others) dtd thus wdfh themfelves alwayes before dinner. T he Phari(ee marvelled that chrift had not firft waihed himfelf before dinner~ Luke .1 1. 38. Unto this k ind of fuperfi:ition StJ'eter is thought to have inclined1when he faid, .Lord, n.ot r»J feet onlJ, bt~l alfo 7/JJ .ba~J LIB. I. _ of t-he Ph~trifles~ 41f~ my head, John 13. 9· Thus finding his ·moaeHy d!iltked, when he refufed to have his feet walli'd by h1s L/Jrd and Mafter; now he leapeth into the other extream, as if he had faid, Not my feet only, hut my whole hody.. Hence proceeded that Sect of the Heme• r~baptijl£, I.e. Daily baptifts, fo called( x) becau£e they x Epirh. !.2., , dtd e'lllrJ day thus wafh themfel'lJes. Tom.I. c.1 7· 3· They wafh'd their cups, and pots, and 6razen vef [elves, and I abler, Mark 7. 4· 4· They held it. unlawf!'l to. eat with ftnners, Mat. 1 ~.I l. yea, they JUdged tt a ktnd of pollution to be touched by them, Lul{e 7·39• If this man were a Pro-- phet, he would furely have knownwho and what ~anner of woman this is which tpucheth him, for £he Js a fin~er. Of fuch a people the Prophet fpeaketh : They fa1d, fiand a part, come not near to me or (as the_words may be rendred) (J) Touch_me not, for I am y':\JWlf-'.7N ~oi~;r than thou, EfaJ 65.5. ( z) The hke practice was N~ .e,;,1,u m!. In U1e among the Samaritanes, who if they met any z Scalit. tie . ft ran~er, they cryed out , ~"" ... 16s{ ..... •v • Ne 11ttingt1S, ·,~•;J;:~!j!:~: Touc.rJ not. ep.1pharr.lih.' r. 5. Thg fafled I'Wice·in the 1tlee L LHl.e 18 I"" ( ) 7'nm.I, ca, . l') . N 1 M 'J"'d '\' ~ • •• a a eophyl~t8. a.me y, N11 aJt and Thurfdajs. (b) Becanfe Mo:s irrLul{er8.• 2. [e.t (as they fay) went up into the Mount Sinai on a It.Epiph.h~r. , Th11rjda1, and came down on a Mt~ndaJ. ~ ~r,filu in ·6. Thty made kroad their Ph;lafJerier, and inl4rged ·L"'·•8·•3 .. th~ borderr·ofJhetr garments~ Matt b. 2·~ ·5· ·Here three thJngs are worthy our confideration. Firfr, What -- ·~hefe PhJla{/e~ies were. Secondly, What was written Jn them. ~htrdly, Whence they were fo called (c) . . . Ep,i paha 11~B- ,J nterpreteth thefe Phtlalleries to be "•'" ct,'l,i ~ .~.. Eampr .p.h. CllA6P •o .rI :S • trnt~-"" '-"Of!\lfc&~~{urp!e flN~J, or Jlot~rifoes, woven in their gnments. as I .Epzp~antm bad conceived the p hari. fees garment to be hke that which the-Ro·man selta- G ·JQrs |