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Show L I a I J. THE ·sECOND BOOK - TREATETH OF p -L A C E ·s. CHAP. I. Their Temple. VVHen the Tfraelites came out of ~· g1pt, Mofes was commanded to bulld . .a Tabernacle for the place of Gods ubiick worfhi P• Afterward, when they ·were fets ited in the promifed Land, then Solomon was com• manded to build a Temple. h Thefe two thadowed the difference between t e d h h ;fl.· ch h The Taber. 1e'»'J synagogue, a.n t edcbr!J·:an t.Jumrce ·: ,The 1'em~>/e nacle was moveable, an ut •or a • ·'fu fixed and permanent: tht fiate of the Jews ftvant f .. ;o continue in their generations; the ate o ~nh~ljiiant durable' to continue unto the worlds tn~· More principally it iliad owed forth the fiate? t e church Militant here on earth,and triumphant.Jn heaven. Unt~both the Prophet David alludeth' Lor~, who. Jhall fojourn in thJ Tabernacle? wbo fhall rifltn thine holj Mountai~ j Pfal,IS •1.• ~ There LIB. I I. Their Temple. 63- There were in the fame tract of ground three hi1Is, 1 Sion, .Moritl, and Mount Calvary.. On Sion was the City and Ca~l:le of David; on Jlvloria was the T'efJJple, . :and on Mount Calvary Chrijl \Vas crucified. (a) But 3 Geneh:ard '" all thefe three were generally called by th.e name o f' CAhnnroonr.m ltmb.d tJ ~ Sion; whence it is, that though the Temple were built 3 r46. - on Moria., yet the Scripture fpeaketh of it common- Jy, as if 1t were upon Mount Sion. In their 1 emple there are thefe three things confider• able: Fidt, the Sttnllum Sa1:1fJorum, the HIJ/y ofl!olies; anfwerable to our !f2.3ire in the Cathedral Churche.J. Secondly, the Sanlll!m, the Sanll11ary.; anfwerable to the Body of the Church. Thirdly, the Atrium, the Court; anfwerable to the Church·Jard. In the Holy of Holies there were the Golden Cenfer, and the Ar4 of the Teftament, Heb.9.4· . In (b) the Ar~ there were three things : F irll:, the bSunt q"i illuti · . pot of Manna; fecondly, .Aaron's rod that h11dded: ~ ri apud thirdly, the Tables bf the T eflament, Heb.CJ·4· Thus Apiflolum,Heo. t he y were 1. 0 M0 ,.;re;, .r h.z s ti.m e,; b u_t a fit erwar d sI.n the ·9 ·4 referknt Arl. 7 r.u; 11"".,~' days of Solowon, onely the T abies of the L~ w were ut dicunt inia. found in the Arft) 1 K.ing.8.9. ' hernaculafe· Th e cover o f t h.IS ArL" \Vas ca lle d tcA rJsn, e.tov) the Pro· cpsemlldean,t Sqauno!dJ ap• 11 m pitiatory., or MerCJ-feat, becaufe. it covered and hid the ~flnllor~m,fu• La~v, that it appeared not before God to piead a- ~::;;6& virgatnfi man. It was a type of Chrifl, who likewife is gam A~ronis, termed il\tts-lfe.tov.,otlr Propitiation,RofJJ. ~ , 25 and t"-etflp.@- 11!hul~dm-J[~tde- · . . ~ h A ~ ru vt e • uf: t1 Proptttatory, Jo n 2. 2. teach end of the Me1cy- n~tm, & vir - feat fiood a golden Cher11b, each Cherub ftretched gam 1111'~ nr-1c 0rth f1 1•s wt•n gs; an d cr.r orn b ftween t he m, as fro_m an fceas mK:o t(fIetnaf ilM o. Oracle, God gave his anfwer, Exod. 25· 22. Hence !llO.I.J ra~w· it is, that the Lord is faid to fit be! ween the Cheru- ~r;aa.utem "' bimt, Pfy9.1. The pofiture of the Cherubim! was fuch, that their faces were each toward$ the other., but . both ·. |