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Show 90 of~their Feajl1. LIB. I II. t Mr.N t111~ (l\75/e.lfed be thou~O Lord our God,the King oft he ll'orld, .,l .. i1'?N . ,, fl?hich create{t the fruit of the Pine. Having faid thus, ~1~1Y~,110 he firft: lightly tafl:ed of tn~ Wine, and· from ~i!D it l"Jl:1 · pafs'd round the Table. Thts grace of thankfgtvtng, Betttdill_ul./il they c~Il (m) Hircath hai11iin, the bleffing of I be cup. '" D~amtnt De- With this chril+ him·{elf feemeth to have begun his 1u nf!JJer rex U" munrl;,quicre- {upper ; f!e to.IJ4 the cup and gave thank.J, and faid, Ta/ze 111• frwll'"" thi1 a7td divide it amongyour.fe/tve!,for I fay unto you.I :'J'~;;, nJ1J wiU not drink.. oft be fruit of the Vine,until the Kingdom cfGodjhall come, Luk. 2 2. I 7, 18. After the hlefling of the cup, the ~Iafler of the houfe tool{ the bread, which they did ScinJere , but not Abfli~tdere, lightly cut for the eafier breaking thereof, but not cut in fun· der ; and holding this in.both his hands, he confecra .. ted it, with thefe words ; Ble.lfed be thou, 0 Lord our God,the King of the world;which bring eft forth bread out of the ettrth. This .confecration ofhread they termed, 1111 ,, 1 (n) Bircath halechem. After the confecration, he ·bra~e cn'7ry . the bread, (whence the ma.fter oft he houfe, or he who :;:~:':::j,:~ performed thefe bleffings in his fiead , 'Yas termed inN. T. parr. * Hcthotfeong, (t.the breakJr:) the bread betng broken, •lte~; p.~a. he diH:ributed to ·every one that fat .at the table a more ~l' Ji1 fel, which being done~ than they began to feed upon , the other dillies that were provided. This Rite of bleffing both the Cup and the Bread, they obferved only in their folemn F efiivale" ; otherwife they con· fecrated the Bread alone , and not the Cup. In their Feaf\: time, they {eafoned their meat with good con-· ference ~ fuch as might either yield mat-ter of infiru· trion, or exercife their wits ; which practice was alfo o Nott t~m c~- obferved in their C hriflian ( o) love feafis. 0[ the fir{[ 'IIAm c~n~nt bl r. d b bl a: d . qKamdi[cipli- fort, was that Para e propo1e y our eue Savt· "•m TertH~ o11r at a F eaft I LN~ 1 4• i. Of the fecond, was 8 ampfon's Apolot c.. 39· R.iddle, which he propofed unto his Companions, Jwdg. Ll B. I I I. of their Feafts ~ 9, Judg. 14. 1 2. At the end of the Feaft, they again gave thank~, which was performed in this manner, either by the Majier of the houfe hirnfelt, or by forne guefi, it there were any of better note at the table ... He taking a cup of Wine in both his hands, began thus : Let m blefs him who hath fed 111 with his own, and of whofe goodnej1 we live: Then all the ~ells anfwered, Blefjed be he of whofe meat we have eaten, , and of whofe goodnefi we live, This grace they called (p) Bircath Hamazon. (q) And this is thought to be , M";J1j the Cup where~ith Chrifi af~er S?p_per commende~ ~~;~~~Fag. the Myftery of hts Blood to h1s D1fc1p1es: After ,this inpr~tc.Hebr. he which began the Thankfgiving proceedeth, BleJ-fid be he, an4 bleJ!e.d be hk name, &c. an~.exing a ]o~· gerprayer, tn wbtch he gave than~s: F~rit , fer thetr · prefent food. Second} y, for their deliverance from the Egyptian fervitude • . Thirdly,. for the Covenant of Circurncifion~ Fourthly, for the Law given by the Minifiry of Mqfos. Then he prayed, that God would have mercy: I. On his people Ijrael. :z. On his · ' own City Jerufolem. 3. On Sion the Tabernacle of his · Glory. 4· On the Ki7tgdom of the tJoufe of :Pavid his Anointed. 5. That he would ft!nd Eli(H the Prophet. ~ L:af\:Iy,That he would make them worthy ofthedaies of the Mejfiah, and of the life of the world to · come. This prayer being ended, then aH the Guells which iate at the T ~ble, with a foft and ]ow voice, faid unto themfdves in this manner, Fear the Lord aU ye hi1 ho!J one1~becaufe there is no penur; to tho.fe that fear him : The young L;ons do mant tJndfojfer hungtr, b1tt tboje thatfeeft the Lord want n~ good thrng·. Aher .. w rd; he which began th~ tbank1.giviog, blelfjng!he _'" P in the fame form of ~ords as he ufcd a~ ie~ ~rrr N J · fitttog •' |