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Show ~o6 · . P11nijhmentt not capital. L 1 B. V~ the Iiebrews. This beating orfco~trging was command .. ed ~ Deut. 2 5. 1, 3. where the number of Hripes was limited, which the )11dg~ might not exceed. ForiJ flripes fhall he caufe him to have, and not pa.ft ... The Jews in many things laboured to feem ho!J above. the Law. For example, where the Lord commanded a sabbath to be fanCtified, they added their Sabbatulum, that is, they began their sabbath about an hour fooner-, and ended about an hour later than the law _ required : where the Lord forbade them to eat or 1 tbiJbi~eJ ie drini{things facrificed to Id(}/s .~ (l) they prohibited aU . "1DJ drinkjng with Heathens, becaufe it is doubtful wher ther it \Vere offered to Idols or no. The Lord com .. mandea them in the time of the Pa.flover to put awa1 m thi 6 ;u 1 ·n leaven out of their Houfos, they would not take the J ,j,(m) name int~ their mouths all the time of that Feafr. The Lord commanded them to abfiain from eating Swines jejh; they would not fc much as name it, but n EU•J lbif· in their icommon talk (n) wonld call a Sow ,nN 1:11 bit. ibid. Da6ar Acher, Anothet• thing. In like manner the Lord commanded chief Malefactors which deferved beat· ing, to be punillit with forty flripes ; they in their greateft correCtions would give but thirty nine. Of the Jews five times recei.ved I foriJ ftripes fa'Oe Dn~ 2 Cor.11.24. For this purpofe thefcourge confi(ted of three thongs, fo that at each blow ht! received three , .firipes; and in their greatefr corretl:ions were given thirteen blows, that is,fortyflripes fove one. Whether !0 Talm~d.lib. ( o) tnefe thongs were made the one of a Bulls hide, r.·~ifot~:!·3• the other two of an. Aifes hide, ?r (p) a,ll three ?f a p Ba.slt~<fim. Calves, the matter ts .not matenal, both opintons 'Viti.Drfl(. have thsir Authors. 2-c~r_,xo, 24• The manner of correttingfuch, was thut. The rna~ lefaftor had both his hands tyed to .a joft, one cu~ ' .bit Lb.J B. dV . · p ttnri:'n.1. 1/Jeflts not capital , . It an half high fo that his b d h • ~07 J~tdge fhal1 caure' him to 6 do y o~ed upon. it. The Pof! or flitk_e on which th~wM o f£' ~uet. 2 5. 2. Thjs o~ whipping, was termed , a e a or leaned in time PtUar. His cloaths were ,1 oy Gnamm~td) c_o1Hm1Jn, tl ward unto the thi h p ucke~ off [(om htm downc YeHtino or te · g fs,hand ( r) t!us was done either by r T;~/mua, ihitl. l> arrng o t em Th G and SiJas their cloat h d e overnour s rent Paul ten with rodJ Alls /6 an commanded them to .he hea- Th ) • 2 ~. . at the Beadle fbould infl" Cl: firtpes proportlonabi / h 1 a number of corretl:ion was perfo;m~~t~n t th. tranfgreffion' this lhe Jttdge lhall caufe him to be be .figh~of the Jttdge. eut. 25 .2. (/5 Theo·hief '} d eaten eforeh1tface, the time of the corretlion ~·~e ~~:he th,.ee, during fTalmHi. ibid~ Deut. 28. S 8 '9 If th , . I elt er read or recite . words of thi~ Ia~ &c Otl.;bzlt n;t ~ep, afld do aU the plag11es WOflderfttl '&c . Th en t e Lord wiU mal{e thJ the !.tripes, aDd ~he ;h. f//:bnf Jt~dge he numbred The chief ]ttdge concl:ded all a fie .the Beadle [mile. 1JJercifulforgave t-heir . . . & aytng, Tet he heing ~omel:imes in. noto~i~~'Zffi c. Pja/.78 38. patns, they tyed certain h.ucc~~~s, to augment the of lead, or fharp thor t he ones, or plummets and fuch fcourges the (nt)s oG t ekend o_f the thongs, . ~ ree s termed ·" 1 , (.4tts-t')tetl F lagr4 t axiUata \ u) in the Sc . \. ttr(!J-yetl\~ "' t EujlatlifrH.' termed Scorpion!· My f: th h npture they arel~tm. AtbenttU& wit~ rods ' but 1. will co~refr oath. ~hafl:ifed .You ~hii,i,r••· I King, I J• Il,,• y U With Scarptons, ftnt. jur. rmi• ' ver[l.31 • |