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Show i Origen. ho,,· 1 7. in Gtntf. .Eiiphan,coutra Ebiouo.1,& maximA He~ fYAOTHmpg1.1• 7he· Scepterdep~rtedfrom .Judah• LIS~~ I~ ·.[I. For the (i) particular Trib~ of Judah : I but this feemeth flat contrary to Scri .. . pture, for many of the JHdges were of other Tribes, and all the Maccabees of l the Tribe of Levi. _ k.J:H"""J d~.. l. For the ( 4) Two T'~ihe~ which cl_e~ve d rep.Hebr.ltb.l I to Rehoboam:; becaufe lll that dtvJfion cap, 5op.8 I, Some take·,~ of the People, thefe~ Two l''ribes a· . vifwn.,. Judah. "'l lone were called JewJ, and that from JudahD and that. never befor.e .. this di·- I Eufeb.flemo"~ . , 3• Fo! ( l) aU·the 'Whole btM.y-()f Ifrael,con-. lib. ~.cap.'· } fil\.. fT 1 T . b . Montacut. in lul~g. o we ve n es ; all which ( tn .AntfleO. p. ,a. · the JYdgment of thefe men) were after- Caf,uh. contra . wards by_ the fingular_ -nroviden"'e. of Baron. pa,. 161 r- - God, called Je·WJ from Judahi m PAtru pl~~ , • ri. For _(m) legal P. o;,er. ~ at1d foveraign au- ,;1"e o'1fnes, . . t ortty ,. re 1d1ng, 1n one man princi-- I b fi pally . . n c"fa,bon Some take 2 • For the(n)formofgovertJment,and face Adverf. Baron. ScetJter .... < of a Co~mon- wealth, governed and P· ·~· 1'•1h2 ~· 7 5 l ruledby ttsown Jaws cufiomes and Jufttnltt Mart. • fi .f . ' ' inDialo1. cum . rites : ~ 1gp1 Y.tng ~s well 'the rule and ".1rJJ1b~ne,, Cll- authortty of tn.ftrtot~r Magifirate.1 yea • lfiiSith, J,dt fp •,./J. lfc f . ' ret.Heb,c.~ L 0 rte;~-Ja o,as 0 KtiJgJandPrinc-e1'.' ,.~a. . ' From tbefe 4iffer~nt acceptions of thefe two words, flow four ddferent accept ions of Jaco b1 P:tophecy. Some ~ 1B . I." 7'he Scepter· departed from Judah. 5 Some are of(o) opinion that the Scepter taken in the fecond acception, began to be given to ~11dah that o cxn"usli/J, , . J•S , tot he .4r'. WO~rrr. t" h esc 1e avt· ng toReh o bJeia m, a' t the derep.Heb . ca1 . 11 ,1.,,. 9 , __ time of that divifion of the People: and that their Scepter was not taken from them until the de{hu.- lHon Qf Jerufalem; becaufe, that after Herods time unt-il then, their Laws remained in force their PrieflhrJod continued, and their Commen-~ealth though it were much defaced, yet not quite over: _ throwno _ Some are of( p) opinion, that the Scepte-r taken in the p Jd[eph. Seal • fecond acception, began to be given to J11dah that ex, quo Cajiulh. 1·-s, tothe r~r.w e 1v e .J.r. rt' b es, f romt he tt· meo f M'i fes ;p11. Iverf, Barm. · 9.It,p.39• and that thts Scepter was not taken from them un-til the De.ftruction of Jerufa/em : not in Herod be~ cau~e he was a Jew ( in tpat he was a Profelyte) for~ Jew ts a name, fay the;y)cfProfeffwn, -not-ofCot~ntre1 < or Nation. Some are of( q) ?Pinion, that the Scepter taken in the q Montacut ;, fecond acceptton~ began to be given to Judah , AniJ/ell. 'P· 74·· that is to the Twelve Tribes, fi-om the time ofMofe1, . , and that it was taken from them in fl.erodJ time : yet fo, that in HerodJ time, this was but begun, and inchoate, and.at .the de!l:ruction of]erufalenJ it was . ._ fulfilled and confumrnate • ~orne are of ( r) opinion, that the Stept~r taken in the r Auguflin~ (IJnfirfi: accept a tion,began to be given to Judah that is tra Manich lib. tot h. e Twe Iv e Trr· b et, 1c.r om t he ti·m e ot, Mofe>s , and fuo h..d~ceamp o4n 7f·lE.lJ. Ia ..·. •. that lt was t~k~n. from them fully in Herod1 time. Carion.Chron • .The former optntons make the coming . of the pat, 1 43~ . MejfiaJ to be a fore· runner of the departure of the ·. S(ep~er : this, makes the departure of the Seep- . B 3 tcr · · |