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Show ( LIB. IV. nicated perJon do trul] repen.t th~n _his Cberem bt.ur1t· ed into R.achem, hit curfe turned utto a blej]in<~ : if he do noi repent, then his Cherem ent rc-th ir.to Ramach the curfe entreth into aU IJis memb~rs, to the utter ~eftroying of the whole m~n. Agatn, tLJ1t'l Ifch, figmfi · eth a ma11_ i1W 1 Efcha, a woma~--z. ~ence they ~ot~3 that in the name· of tJJe -,,uuz h~re Is ' Jod which Is not in the na111e ofthe woman; tn ~he naq,e of the wo- 111an there is l1 He, which is not tn the name of the 1;1an : both the[e make :11 Jah, one c>f the nt~mes of God: thefe being taken a way," in both names there remains wN Efch fignifying fire, to lliew, that as long_ as man and wife agn:e~ ·cod if with them: ?ut when they difagree , fire is between them: Thus we fee what vain myfteries the-ir Kabbalijls ob[erve. CHAP. IX . . Their Terapkim. C. o_ncerniog the T_eraphim~ tWO things are efpectally to be enqu,red. Flrft, what they were t . secondlj , for what ufe ? the word !)7n 1m·aph.) fignifieth in general the compleat li?Jdge of'! _nt~n~ A-ft· chat took an image, (a Teraphim) and latd It tn the bed4' I Sam.19. 1 3· More particularly it fignifieth an Idol or image made for mens private uje in their ow.n houfes-, fo that thefe i~ages feen1 to have been thetr Penates or Lares> thetr houfhould gods ; wherefore haft thou fio\n my gods? my Teraphim, GetJ. 3 r. ~c. And this man-1VIicha had an houfe of gods, and made an Ephod and Teraphim, Jud.17. 5\ Bec~ufe of the woriliip exhibited to thefe IdiJlJ ~ ~lebce fr.om i:he Hebrew· Tara ph :las fome read it , rharaph ~ cometh the Gre,eft LIB. 1 V. ·several forti of Diviwationfor6iddeti. I j 1 Greek:, 'a) ~~fa.~~~11 .,, 1e worfl:ip. The m.anner how thefe· a ¥,P lt.s-~~..,:.Imag~ J were made, is fondly conceived thus among Ttt~ ~tfrt'JI'tJthe llabbines; They (b) ~illed a man that was a flr.ft· born Hfl . n-3-tr..oY fon, and wrung off hu head, and je11joned it with f'a'tt, ,{lE~:d·~ , and jjp ices, an d wrote upon a plate of-gold the namJe"' oftJ R".K' i•'efj~ erJ.1vfJi.dft •.. an unclean fpirit, and put it under the head upon a wall, Ettam 1his1Jir. and lighted Candle1 before it, ~tndworfhipped it. With fuch L aban fpake, fay they. But, without controver ... fie, the Ter4phim which .Michal put in the bed, was a . compleat jiatur, or Image of a ma1J. The ufe ofthefe Images w·· :>)o confult with them as with Oracles~con· cernnig things for the prefe:nt unknown, or future to . come. To this purpofe they were made by Afir.ologer s (c) unde'r certain confiellations, capable of heaven 1 y ~A hen .. E~ra:. influences, whereby they were enabled to (peak. ·The en .. 3 r. Teraphi~nts have jpol{en vanity, Zach. 10.2. And amo.ng other reafons why }iachel fiole away her Fathers l-rn3ges, this i~ ·thought to be one, that Ldban might not by confulting with thtfe Images di!cover what \\' J y Jacob took in his flight. -· ----p- - ---~---·----~--· C H AP. X. '!'he fever a! forts ~f Divination. forbidden, W E Jh~ll find, Deu.t. 1 8" ro, 1 r. thofe Divi·.. nerf, which are by the Law forbidden, di.ftmg ul\b e.d into ~(eden ~in as; not bccaufe th re were no other~ but thty \Vere the moH ufual. 1~ An ob .. ferver of timr;s, 1· A11 lnchanter. 3• A Witch. A.. A charl'ller. 5· .A conj1Jlle1' with famitiar fpirit:r. ~.A Wizard. 7· A Nigromuncer. 1~o thefe we may add an eighth, out of liOj. 4· I 2. Confoiting with 1 he flu.fJ'· Z 2 And |