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Show urB~ Of their :Bxcommunictition, L'I B. ·y. ·partake thereof, whence they were called Stan·te'l. .2. \a;n{-;l]o;u, concerning this cenfure, all that I read of it is thus· that he that is thus cenfured hath ad:: iVU Irtfltl. ·mittance irit~ the Church.(i) l3ut his place muft be loco cir.ato. ·behind the PNlpit, an d hA e mutnt. d eFart W·i th. t he Cate· .. chumeni that is fuch Pagans who were gat ned tot be · .chrifli·a; Faith but not fully admitted into the Church, becaufe' they wanted B~~tifm, and ~herefore that they might not pray prom1!cuouily w~th other chrijlia11J, there w~s a place behlnd the 9J.!!tre of the Ch1/rch in manner of Clo}·fters, allotted to them, and k Fl~fpin Jt was from them called ( /z) c atechumenum: This I take :r(mplis,. as. to be the place of this fecond de$-ree of Excomm~nica• lion , fo that the force of thts cenfure I thJnk to confift: in thefe three things •. Firft, they \vere bllt'red the Lords Table. Secondly ,they might net ftand bJ at the admini(irlltion oft he Lordsfopper (whi~h was--attowed in the firfl:. degree) and this appeare.th ~lea~ly, becaufe the Catechu111eni departed alway1· at the celebra-tiopofthe Communion.., tor to them pi.ncipatty it was fa~d .,Ite mi.ffa efl. Thirdly, though they ight ·~'lr~cr~v fall down on their ftnees and pray, an were thence called succumbents, }'et this they mi t not do in the Congregation, but only in that .PlJ!-e'e behind the quire or pulpit, which wa~ aHotted to ~he Catechumeni, and in this alfo this Jecond degree ~~~ereth from the firft. The third fort of cenfure was a.KeJct~t~, the party thus cenfured was permitted to com~ no furth~r than the church Porch ' whfre it was 1a .w ful . for htm to hear the Scriptures read, but not to Joyn tn \)rayer, not to approach the Lords 1~ble, ·whence foch were termed Audients. The Fourth" and lafi fort, was "'e}Xll-.rtu~~r) perfons under this cenfure Hood quit~ with_out the Church, req.uefiing thofc that entered tn, With te~rs and Of iheir Exc-1J.wm~tmcdii'o'h!·l ' · · r1 ~I lf) -and weeping to petit ion the Lr. rd for mercy toward --:them, whence they wert called P/(rtttnteJ. Set?ing it is commonly tho ugh t~ th:n Cain was·cen .. fu~ed ~y the fir1t degree of ExcoY.I'tm uJt7cdtion, cailed Ntddut, and _tha: the Iaft called Scb.-unmatha was of En~ch1 confiztutton ; both thtfc betng of fuch anti • quttr, I ?are not fay that the three degrees of Excom. munzcl4tton w~re borrowed from the threefortJ of 1111 .,. cleannefl, wh1ch excluded people out of the three -Camp1, though there was an obfervable proportion between them. (l) Niddui may be parrallel'd with the . , 1\ excl ufton out of the Camp of God alone> which befel ~~:;~;:!111 P.:. ·thofe·that were defiled by touch of the dead: cheretn. Niim,s -z. may be compared to the exclufion out of the Cam ·of God,. and the Cam_p of levi, which befc:l thofe th!t were de~led of an t!fue. schammatha m::ly be co·m-pared wnh the exclufion out of aU three camps, the '_amp of. God, the Camp of Levi, and the camp of If -rael, t h1s betel thofe. t~at were d filed with lt>profie; and . from the JewJ, It IS p1 ob~b]e that tbe Greek_ and -Lat111e churcheJ borrow-ed thea deoreeJ 01' Exco . . . ~ 'J ll'J mu= nrcatron. 'CHAP. I Il. ·1'heir ·civil Conftflories, wh(Jt perfiJ1u were ne .. cejjarily prefent in-the·m. . I N. many things men m~&ht be finfu.l in Tefpect of Gods Law,., though not llJ b le to pundhrnent, in reiptd ot mans_;. thou j!Ja ft 11ot.aven.ge, n()r be ·mindful of w_ro11gJ Levtt. ! 9· 1 8. whtch the Hebrews explain thus, To ave~ge, ~s to de~y a good turn to one who formerly den1ed btm, To b)e _ mindfitl o.f a wrong, is ~ 0 B b· d(, .,.. - . : . . |