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Show '- 26 . oft heir Tithes. LIB. V t WtU holJ to the Lord, Lev.17.32- Some Expofitors un .. derftand by_ t_bis phrafe of pajfing under the rod, that all cat tel are titheable which live under the cuUody of "l(_eeper,a-s if there were allufion to thefoephardsfiaff, or lz.eepert rod> which they nfe in keeping their cattel. The HebrewJ more probably underfiand hereby, the manner of their decimatzon or tithing their cattel) d s~lomon Jar. which was as followeth. (d) He that hath Lambt (or chi, L~'IJ 27·~ 1 BuUock.!) t·hm Jeparateth hk tenth, he gathereth aU hk ~;~:;;:;:·;~;, la11tbs and aU his bu U ~c 4! into a fg/d} o which he m!J/zyt h Setl. 1. r· ·a little deor, thszt two cannot go forth together ; their· dam1 are placed without the door, IIJ the end, that the lambt hearing them 6/eating, _might go forth 1ne after another in order. Then one beginntth to number with his rod, one,two, three, &c.11nd the tenth which cometh . forth, whether it be m.de or female, perfeO,tJr blemifhed, he mar~eth it with a re-d mar/t,J"Ji11g thilis jo1 tithe. At this day the Jews, though they are n,ot in their O\Vn Country, neither have any Ltvilical PrieflhB~d, yet thofe who will be reputed religious among them, do diftribute in lieu of tithes, the tenth of their encreafe unto the poor, being perfwaded-that Goel doth b\cfs their eftates the more: for ·their ufual , ;w~n Proverb is, (e) Thegnafoer, bijchebil fche thegn~Jher; L.;~JtD'~ that is, PaJ 1ithes, tbaJ thofl.»tayfl be rich. i~~,;;'.~_,.n. The time of the year from which thy . reckoned de novo .anno tithes, was different. For( f)heafls they counted the ~:~~~~;::,,. year from Elult~~Elul,dthhat 1;~ from ~~gu.ft to;1uguft, J•tl· ,, ,., (g) for gr11in,pn&e, an erus..,ttom Tt;ri to_T~ri, that ~ Mofet Kotfe,, is, from September tO Sep~ember: for the frHit of trees, jf,~;;?~: •f- fr.om sch1batto schebat; that is, tram 1anuarJ . to Jao 1JNIIrJ• _ In this SJnopfis following (which SixtiniH A mama. bath taken out of Scalig.er) the maaner o.f Ifraell .ti· thlngs is fet ~own~ The L I B. V f. Oftheir TitbeJ .. ' 6 l B r ·I ~ 00 I ulheis in own year. -f 1 oo- Bufuels was the leaft that . j could be paid by the H11f..· I band man to the Priefls for ~he firfi-fruits oft he threfh- 1 Jng floor. )9oo Bu{hels remained to the Huf- 1 I bandman, out of which he payed two Tythes. 590 Bufhels were the firit l~ithe to . l f the Levites. The Huf.. S 9 Bufh~ls t~e L:vifes paid the bandman had Przefl~ ) , whtch was called row in <I , > the Ttthl of I he 1ithes. g g 53 1 o I Bufhels re~ained to the H uf:: . J ba!ld~an, out of which he . patd hts fecond tithe -~ 531 J8ufh.els . wer'e ~he fecond Ttthe. · .. 47791' Bufhels remained tot'heHuf- .r I ~and~dn as his ow·n, all be- Jng·patd. 1 Bufh.eJs are rbe "'Curne ofboth 1 I . Tuhes joyned together I I 2 I which is above a 'fixth par~ of the whole,. namely nifle. W k L J teen out of an hundred e are to now mo · h · ruption of the times 'r~~,i:~~et o~ ~rou?h ,the ~or. ~lthe~ began geoeraHy to be oegleQ;Jaf {; reJg~ !r~~ t en Overfeerr were appointed to look ~~~be art p~yment thereof, 2 chr ·3"~. r 3. Notwithfiandio ' p ly through the negligettue ofthe·o ie ' g, through the ctJvelo11jwefi of'the peo;,~: e~~~fta:~~ · G g z hundred |