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Show 13 l 'rhe Fe aft of Expiation. LIB~ I I l, and together with them, their fins into the Wilder· nefs. And 1eaft they mjght feem to be mad without reafon, they affign th~ caufe why they make choice d1JJ of a Cock at this time, to be this: 1 his word (d)Gehher in th~ Holy Language fignifieth a Man, in their '.(11/mud it fignifie~h a Co·ck. No~, fay they, the Jufiice of God requtres, that as Gebh.er finned, fo Gebher iliould make fati5fatl:ion. From thts Fef!ft of Expiation it is probable, that the GrecianJ uf~d a yearly Expiation ot their Cities, which was performed on this manner : Certain condemned pcr[ot:"s were brought forth with Garlands upon their heads~ in manner of facrifices, thefe they would tumble from fome fieep c s~:da in voce pJ ace i~to the Sea, offerin,g the~ np to,.. N~~tune, ( e} ~-+t1fUt• ufingthtsform_ofwords~~,+n~c:t i.~ *}'IVw,SHfro.No-buo peripfema •· As 1f he had fa.td, B: thou a Re~on.ctllltron ·or Propitiation for 111'· !he ltke ktnd o~Exptatton wast~fed among them in ttme of any Pe~Jlence, or contagt::: >r- Kc:t~tt~(J.a7c:t ous infetl:ion;for removal offuch dtfeafes,t~ey then fa• ~Aiysv1o o1 ~rifi·ced certain men unto their Gods,* fuch men they ~ x.r~.-3-clfa-~ termed x.c:t-3-d~tJ.d.Tc:t. Thefe two words are ufed by the ~~t-t~ ;"~! , Apoftk 1 CoP. 4· 1. ~ • and they are tranOated filth and t 1 71 ~0 ~. ~7 ~- 0C..icou~ing: we are made as the .filth of the World~ and 0~ 1101'11 -JVO ~ :!" . u h. Th d fi 'fi - ~uev 7ol~ tiS the ojffcourzng of a I zng1. e wor s 1gnt e pro• ~eolh Ve:& peri y the filth or dirt fer aped t>./J.me.ns fhooes, or fro£? Scholidjf( ' 11 the pavement of the ground: But 10 (f) Bud£11:f hts ~~~;.t~~~~·s. opinion, the Apoflle h1d allufion unto thofe _kinds of f Budee.JU .an- Expiations in, ufe amo.ngfl: the Heatho~s. A_s 1f he had n&tf~!tq.,Dn faid We are as defptcable and as odious In the fight -Ppaatnnid.,,tpll.4 e ' h 1 d d . h h .1. d 334• oft he peopJe, as muc oa e \VIt t e revt tngs an curlings of the multitude, as thofe condemned per• f()ns, who were offered up by way of publick Ex-piation. · ., LIB I I I. The Fe aft ef Expiati·on~ Now, feeing at this F~afi principally ~he HighPrrefl was a Type of Chrijl, 1t will not be am1fs to note t~e agreement between the Tjpe and the Truth. Aaron. Chrifr. 1. The High~priefl went 1. Chrifl our High·Priefl· into the Holieji of all, went into theHo~ place, Levit.I6.3· namely, the H.eavens, H1Jh.9.12• '· He went one~ a year, 2. He entred once, Reb. Exod.jO.t c. ~·I 2: 3· He with the blood of 3· He by his own blood, Goats and Calves, Heh, Heh.9. I 2. 9· 12. 4· He alone, Heh.9. 4· He alone hath trodden the Wine-prefs , Ifay 6g.3. S• He, clothed with his S· He,. ordained and fea1- ~Prieftly Robes, -Levit. ed to this Office, by his t6. 4· Father from all Eternity. 6. He took two Goats, 6._ He took two natures : Levit.I6. the impafl!bility of his. God-head was fbadowed by the Scape goat:his [11jferings in hiJ Man• hood, by t-he Goat that wasfocriftced,Theod.~. I 2. in Lev. 7· The Goat did bear the 7· chrift was made fin. Peoples iniquities.. for us~ 2 Cor.5.22. CH Ae~ |