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Show J .- C H ~A P. X. Oj the Pharij'eef •. LIB. I. a !2J!.~rtam ety- THere are (a.) three Opinions concerning the !"ologi arn ( cu· Et11mo/oo'} of the name rharifee. The firfl: are Jrufundui & '.! t:>. • • b ,fh E d ~wror puttttMr thofe whtch der1ve 1t from w1g ~ araJ'", --:JJ_pan ere, Hieronym.ul, Explic.1re; either from the enlargtng and laytng open ~:~f~;f~;u~· their PhyJaCterie~, or from. their open performance Scr~prura He: of good works in pub I ick v1eW of the Peo~le, as be• bPrha"'! ;fi eJ.1m ing ambitious of mans praife. Secondly) from tDi9 arijt#IIJ at· b r.. h cerer"r .a '!lerbo P tlra{ch, Exponere) Explanare; ecaute t ey were of ~ip Dtwdere, chief repute; and connted the profoundefi DoOors . (crtberentHr. • f h L r h b 'Phari[£i for the expiJjittan o t e aw, 1? t at t _ey were ter- 0'~ ,79 med (b) Perufchim, tp~ia Porefchzm; PharifteJ, becaufe · o,"~;,Q they were Expounders of the Law. Thirdly, others b.Gerionidn.. derive the name from the fame Verb, bot in the ~on-c. l;~ . jugation Piel, where it fignifieth dividere,Jeparare, to c ~uida1.~ feparate. (c) In this acception,by the Greelu they were termed rlfr.uet~pJ.,lot . we may Englifb th~m SeparatijiJ 0 Their feparation is confiderable, partly 10 the particulars unto which, partly in thofe from fl'hich they }epa· rated. Firfr, They feparated themfelves to thefludy of the Law, in which refpefr they might be called, ;_,r.ue;.(fP.~ ·o, e1~ 7av r~[-(oV, Separl.lted unto the Law. In allofion d Drufiu 1 de Unto thi£, t~e Apojile is (d) thought to have fiiled trih.fellil, 1.-2. himfelf, Rom. t. II. ti.,f41eA~p.ivov ~~ iucr.l'f€Mov, Separated c. 2• ttnto the G9fpel; when he was called from being a Pharif ee, to be a Preacher of the Gofpel; and now not feparated unto the Law>; but to the Gojpel. Secondly, Theyfeparated themfelvs,or at leafi pre .. tended a (e )foparation to an extroardtnary fantliiJ of · l~e LIB. 1.·. of the PhArifees~ 3 7 life ahove other me11. God, I thank thee, that I am , not dJ' other men are, Extortioners, Unjufi, Adulterers . &c. Luk._e 18. I I• - The particulars , from rPhich tke, feparated thutt• felves, were thefe. . firH, Fro~ commerce with other people~as afterward wtll appear In their Traditions: whence they called the common people, by reafon of their ignorance, !;;Nr.'l ovpopulum terrte, the people of the earth. In the Gofpel of Saint John 7· 49· they are called ~X"-~• Thi1 people who knoweth not the Law are curfed. Secondly, 'From the (f) apparel and habit of other men: for they ufed particular kinds of Habits where· fR. . David. s~- by they would be difl:inguHhed from the' vulgar. phon.J.B. Hence proceed~d that common fpeech, TlejieJ populi terree, conculcatto funt PhariJeorum. · Thit:dly, From the (g) cuftotnf and mannerJ o.P the -r'h· r.· · wor k~l· Th"t s h_ ere. fi f f 'J g .. j tsr~ttel. 1e <? the P harijeeJ eemeth to have had Its fi~fi begtnnJng tn AntigontH 8ochtem. He being a Pharifee,. fucceeded SinJon the Ju(i; who was Co-etanean wtth Alexattder the Great: he lived three hundred years before the birth of Chrifr. !he Pharifees were (h) not tied to any p:.rticular h h r. T b F ·1 b . d . ..Lr. C r) • M lit. n e or ami y, u_t 1n lnere~t~y they might be of ~ >. . any; S.P attl was a TJen;amini/Je; (t)Hyrcanus was aLe· J.Fiavtu1]o[. v~te. Each Sell ha<;f its D.oc.~mata, b1s proper Apho- ltb.I3 .. c.J8, rif"!J, Confi.itutionf, ~r Cttnons: Co the Pharifees b.ad thetrs. My purpofe 1$~ borh conaerQing thefe- and t~e other Se~s, to .note onel y thofe c anoMr, or .Apho-ri[ mJ'~ ·Whereto chtefty they were heretical) and one dtfferrng from the other. Firfi, The Pharife~J ( k.) afcribed fome thing1 to k Jlfi h !t' Fide: br befliny,,abdfom~ thj,Jgs to rnan!iFree~'wiQ C•9·0 ep • ~13, : Sec~n.dly, They confufied ihatthere were Angels, . 11n8 Sp1rtts, At/123. 8. _ F 3. Thirdly, |