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Show I , The Argument o-f each,- The fecond Book. Of Place.t. Chap. r.THeir 7'emplt~ bow forty fix J'ars a building. Why certain P~lwu 11re entit~eled Graduales SfJngt ~f degrees. 2. Syna?,oguu, School!, HoufoJ of Prayer; J-vby tbeir School pre-ferred above their Temple. . 3. Gatu af Jerufalem. 4• GrcJVeJ and High-plt~cet. ·5. Citiu of Refuge. The third BoCJk. ·Chap. I. THeir daies, hours; wee"' ,ytar s. 2. 1heir manner of feafting., falutations, bleffing, cupof hlejfing. 3. Theh· 8 abbath ; a S abbath-daies-journey, how much,and when~e. 4• Their P affiover ; and feaft Bf unleavened bread: How a [O'Hl cut off from Ifrael. _ 5. 1heir Penttcaft, what,the (econd-firfl SabbatlH:PM, Luk.6.r. 6. 1heir fe"ftof Tabernacles., Hof'anna,and Ho(anna-R.abba. 7. Their feaft of Trumpet! , their New-Moon; , Tranflation of feafts. · · 8. Tbeir feaft of Expiation: what meant by the filth of the world and the off-flouring of all things, i Cor. 4o I 3. ' 9· 1'eir Sllbbatical year. I o. Their Jubilee, their ufe. thereof. l I • ~heir foaft of P~frim, and foaft of Dedication. THE Book and·tha.ptet. The fuurrl1 lluuh.. Of their Idolatrf. Chap.· I. THe beginnings of Id~latry. · 2. Moloch, Adram-M.elecb, Anam-Melech., Ba-al1 the Tabernacle of Ivlolocb,. &c. . 3. B..~al-Poor., Baal-.Tfiphon, BaAI-Zebub, Baat;.Bc~ith) Bel an'- the DragtJn.. ·. . 4· Dagon. · 5. The molten Calf. 6. Aftar.oth, Ammonia; Juno, the. ~een of Heavm, Diana if the Eplnfians, · . 7. Other Idol-gods mentioned in ·s Ct'ipture. ~. Sorts of divine revelation, Vrim and Thummim •. 9• Terapl1im, what· they were. J.o. S ortl of Divination for.bidclen. The fifth Book. of their Co":ftftDriet.' ·, ' Chap. I.cburts of JudgemMtJ', their Ecclefi!lftical Confi- · ftorv. 2. Sorts of Exconzmunication. 3· Cit~il Conftftoriu, what perfonNzeceJJarily preflnt, what meant by the Ma,-,ijlrat~, Judge, and Officer, Luk.I 2 ·S 8. . 4· The number of their civil Court!, wha.t meant by a Cow:cil, Judgement, fire of Gehenna, Matth.5· 5. Manner of el eC1ing Judges. 6. Ceremonies common in all capital Judgements : whmce that · phrafe cam~, l:J'u bloud be on u~ and our childreiJ. ,7. Their capital punijhments what the.Y wert, -8. :Punijhments not capital. p. Puni[hments borrowed from other Nation! : wbetwer S. Paul ; fottg?t w_itb tbe beaj~s at Ephefus. - - · |