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Show 12 LIST OF POPULAR WORKS. THE STUDENT'S MANUAL 0.1!' ENGLISH LITERATURE. By T. ll. SllA W, M.A. Edited, witll Notes and Illust.raLious. THE STUDENT'S SPECIMENS OF ENGLISH LITERATURK Selected from the llE~l' WruTERS. By THOS. B. SllAW, .M.A. Edited, witll AddiLion~. THE STUDENT'S MANUAL OF ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. By H.EV. W. L. BEVAN. With Woodcuts. THE STUDENT'S MANUAL OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY. Matbem:uical, Pbybical, aud Descriptive. By lti<:V. W. L. llEV .A.!.~. W1th Woodcuts. THE STUDENT'S MANUAL OF MORAL PIIILOSOPHY. With (luotalluus and ltefercnces. By WILLIAM FLE:\ll.NU, D.D. THE STUDENT'S BLACKSTONE. A SYSTEMA'l'IC Al:lRrDGMENT O>' 1'1m JcN'l'WE Uum.tENTAHIEs. lly R MALCOL}l KElU{, LL.O. A PRACTICAL HEBREW GRAMMAR. With the H!:!brew ~;\~L~~n~}il~~t~·t~'tf,L.rl1~~i., GrawmaticalAuulysis and Vocabulary . Nine Shillings. THE CONNECTION OF THE PHYSICAL SUIENCES. By MAl-tY SO.IlJ<.:gVlLLE. WiLh Woodcuto. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. By MARY SOMERVILLE. l{cvioed by II. W. 13A'l'ES. With Portrait. THE S'l'UDENT'S ELEMENTS OF GEOLOGY. By SIR CHARLES .LYELL. With oOO Woodcuts. A l\IANUAL OF SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY. By v ARlOUS WRITERS. Edited by Sll{ J. F.llU{SUHI!:L and ltEV. H.OI.li.<.:lU l\lAlN. POE'l'ICAL WORKS OF LORD BYRON. With Notes Illus-trations, and Ponrait. ' LIFE OF LORD BYRON; with his Letters and Journals. By THOJ\JAS J\lUORK Witll Ponruits. ARCHBISHOP BECKET; A BIOGRAPHY. By CANON HOBI!:Rl'SOC\', Jll.A. With Illustrations, PICTURES OF THE CHINESE, DRAWN BY THEMSELVES. Described by ltEV. R H. COBllOLlJ. Witll 34 Illustrations. THE ENGLISH BATTLES AND SIEGES OF THE PENINSULAl- t WAK lly Slg WILLlAJ\1 NAPll!.:H. With J>ortruit. THE YOUNG OFFICER'S COMPANION; or, EssAYS on ~Q~~1A'D1 ~~Q~~S aud QUA.Ll'l'IES; With ILLU~TUATIONS from lii!>TOllY. l:Jy DOG-BREAKING; the most Expeditious, Certain, and Easy Method, whether great Excellence or only 1\lediocrity be required. Witll j1J!·cu'1WsoJ~r \~~~~ w~ood~~~:. the Dog and tlle Uun. By G.I!:NEHA.L LIST OF SCHOOL CLASSICS. 13 By DR. WILLIAM SMITH. PRINCIPIA LATINA, PART I. A FmsT LATIN CouRsE. A Grammar, Delectus, and Exercise Book with Vocabularies. 13th Edition. 38. 6d. * * This Edition contains the Accidence arranged for the 'Public School Latin * Primer.' PRINCIPIA LATINA, PART II. LATIN READING BooK. An Introduction to Ancient Mythology, Geography, Roman Antiquities, an<! History. With Notes and a Dictionary. 38. 6d. PRINCIPIA LATINA, PART III. LATIN' POETRY. 1. Easy Hexameters and Pentameters. 2. Eclogre Ovidianre. 3. Prosody and Metre. 4. First Latin Verse Book. 3&. 6d. PRINCIPIA LATINA, PART IV. LATIN PROSE CoMPOSITION. Rules of Syntax, with Examples, Explanations of Synonyms, and Exercises on the Syntax. 38. 6d. PRINCIPIA LATINA, PART v. SHORT TALES AND ANECDOTES FROM ANCIENT HISTORY, FOR TRANSLATION JNTO LATIN PROS~. 3s. A LATIN-ENGLISH VOCABULARY, with a Latin-English Dictionary to Phrodru~. Cornelius Nepos, and Cresar's 'Gallic ·war.' 38. 6d. THE STUDENT'S LATIN GRAMMAR. By 1VM. SMITH, D.C.L., and THEOPHILUS D. HALL. 68. A SMALLER LATIN GRAMMAR. Abridged from the above Work. 3s. 6d. INITIA GR2EOA, PART I. A FrnsT GREEK CouRsE, contA.ining Grammar, Delectus, Exercise Book, and Vocabularies. By DR. WM SMITH. 3s. 6'l. INITIA GRAWA, PART II. A READING BooK; containing short Tales, Anecdotes, Fables, .ll[ythology, and Grecian History. With a Lexicon. 38. 6d. INITIA GRJECA, PART III. GREEK PROSE CoMPOSITION; containing the Rules of Syntax, with copioub Examples and Exercises. 3s. 6d. THE STUDENT'S GREEK GRAMMAR. By PROFESSOR CURI'lUS, and WM. SMJTH, D.C.L. 68. A SMALLER GREEK GRAMMAR. Abridged from the above Work. 38. 6d. PRINCIPIA GRJECA. A FmsT GREEK CouRSE. A Grammar, Delectus, and Exercise Book, with Vocabularies. By H. E. HUTTON, M.A 38. 6cZ. MA TTHIJE'S GREEK GRAMMAR. A bridged by BLOMFlELD. Revised and enlarged, by li:. S. CROOKE, H.A. 4s. KING EDWARD VI.'S FIRST LATIN BOOK; including a Short Syutax and Prosody with an English Translation. 2s. 6d. KING EDWARD VI.'S LATIN GRAJ.\IIMAR. 3s. 6d. ENGLISH NOTES FOR LATIN ELEGIACS; designed for Early Proficients in the .An of Latjn Versification. By REV. W. OXENHAM. 3s. 6d. |