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Show Acting Alone Page 366 so, and if we all get exploded today you'll go straight to heaven. Do not pass purgatory, do not say two hundred Hail-Marys. Hee hee! Get it? You know, like in that old Monopoly board game?" Velvette poked the girl violently in the ribcage. "You don't gotta be scared, honey, even though the Russkies probably know this'd be a perfect day to explode us, because it's the same day the state tests the CD sireens, and the Russkies assume that us Americans, even us nuns, are just lax decadent capitalistic guys and we're all too busy all the time rolling in money and luxury and stuff to bother with our own CD responsibilities. But they are godless, and they don't know the Servant Sisters of Saint Willibrord of Perpetual Adoration, do they, sweetie?" The girl whimpered. "You know what?" continued Velvette, looking around at her surroundings for a change, instead of peering and speaking directly into the postulant's reddening ear. "Some of our older sisters, they believe that the water in these big pipes isn't heated geothermally at all, but thermonuclear, urn, ly_. You know? Like by residual heat from NORAD's reactors instead of by God's own deep natural lava, and like that?" At the mention of the words residual heat, Sam found himself scanning the dark tunneled distances beyond the candlelight for traces of Spikey. The Marine was nowhere. Sam saw Simone Stylite wadded more or less comfortably in the arms of Mother Superior, who sat with her grand back against an oozing wall. Sam yelled, "Hey Ms. Pillar Saint! You seen Bucky Beaver around here?" She turned her face to him. Her eyes were rolling in a crackling |