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Show Anting Alone Page 177 merged i d e n t i t i e s , even bodies, with Sam's l i t t l e friends who'd burned money outside the Buffalo Springfield concert. All of the l i t t l e Jewish preppies in Houston, Chicago, and Salt Lake had been young, aggressive, talented, and well-connected when the post-preppie diaspora had taken place, and they'd naturally wound up in more prestigious places than sluggish Sam had - Rice University, University of Chicago, e t c . , etc. And i t also helped that they were rich. Rich? Of course their daddies were rich, their "Marxist" daddies. You must be rich to afford this sort of high-camp Marxism. Their daddies were rich from inheritance, or .from marriage to rich Irish shikses, or from econ textbook royalites (simply change two prepositions every year or so and come out with a new, improved edition), or from academic consulting fees stacked on top of full-professorial salaries in rich psych, anthro, econ departments, or rich from mysterious gun- and enriched uranium-running schemes that were probably all boring business underneath the surface glitter and sedition. Now, Sam's particular hometown friends were all alumni of a certain Episcopalian prepschool back in Salt Lake City - helping to comprise the 85% Jewish student-body population that can traditionally be found in most American parochial prepschools. They'd spent their adolescent afternoons lounging with young Sam in a place called Sugar House Park (sounds like the place where frosted gingerbread men would go to expose their gumdrop weenies to fudge brownie girls - that was the adolescent refrain that still |