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Show -101- to Sol Vallis. "What joy I felt when I beheld the people there! They were so good, so kind to each other. They were much like my own people. I watched them, fascinated. I was preparing to leave, when I beheld a handsome young man. He had the most noble face I had ever seen on a mortal, and his whole being seemed filled with light. He was Prince Ma jus'. My heart jumped - I must get closer! "'Sunbeam,' I whispered, - 'please descend just a little more!' 'It is too dangerous,' was the answer. 'The cliffs here are known to soak in sunbeams. We will be taken prisoner. I must get you back before Phoebus learns of your disobedience.' "'Please, Sunbeam, - I shall go as soon as I get a better look! ' The sunbeam descended - and the cliff walls imprisoned us! I was trapped in rock!" Verus put both hands hands to her face and the throne room darkened. After a minute, she uncovered her face and continued, "the young Prince often walked near the cliff wall. I was comforted by his presence, and soon grew to love him. One day he looked up at me, and my poor heart leapt! He then left, and I was desolate. "He soon returned with an old man. 'Look up there, good fellow!' he said. 'Do you see that golden rock jutting out from the rest?' •Yes, Prince, I see it,' said the old man. •See how it shines! I must have it!' 'V/hat? Have a rock? ' |