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Show Chapter Fourteen Rogare tiptoed into the sorcerer's throne room and looked around. "Good, he's not here," he muttered, and started to tiptoe out. "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!" bellowed Daemon. He stood, immobile, in the doorway and the startled man almost walked into him. "N-nowhere, oh Highness, nowhere!" Rogare bowed, and bumped his chin on the tyrant's head. "OUCH! Ow - Ow - Ow!" "Stop jumping around and give me the spoon. I presume you have it!" Rogare glared at the sorcerer and ruefully rubbed his chin. "I gave her the dollar and the mint, but the charm didn't work. She threw the dollar down the street and ran off," "Well, why didn't you go after her!" "I had to get the dollar, that's why!" "Well,. WHERE IS IT.'" "It fell down a drain and it's lost!" lied Rogare. At this, Daemon, with amazing strength, grabbed the scrawny knave by the waist and tipped him upside down. The gold coin fell from his pocket and rolled onto the. floor. "So it's lost, is it! I'm giving you one last chance, R>gare." Daemon leaned forward with a cold look in his eyes. "Take my soldiers and get me that spoon, even if you have to DESTROY the wretched girl!" |