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Show WATER FOR UTAH TABLE 15 PRESENT ANNUAL REQUIREMENTS AND USE OF WATER FOR IRRIGATION IN THE GREEN RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN, UTAH Land with Present Water Supply Area Water Required for Adequate Supply Present Supply Present Shortage 1,000 acres 1,000 A.- Ft. 1,000 A.- Ft. 1,000 A.- Ft. 61.7 118.3 118.3 170.2 289.8 244.2 45.6 231.9 408.1 362.5 45.6 466.6 816.6 362.5 454.1 Present With Adequate Supply Adequate Inadequate TOTAL Potential arable Per cent 100.0 84.31 88.81 44.4 1Often the effective supply is less than this because the shortage is concentrated in the latter part of the growing season. .. Present Hydroelectric Power Development... The present capacity of power plants in this drainage is small, somewhat in excess of 2,000 kilowatts which in 1945 produced slightly over 5.5 million kilowatt- hours. ... Potential Irrigation Development... Up to the present time there has been a total of 362,500 acre- feet of water developed for use in the basin ( table 18). Of this, I 18,300 acre- feet provides a full supply of water for 61,700 acres of land. An additional 35,200 acre- feet are used on 25,200 acres of land; however, this is 10,600 acre- feet less than what is considered an adequate supply, but investigations so far have not developed any feasible plans for providing additional water for this land. The balance of the irrigated land, 145,000 acres, is short by 35,000 acre- feet, but plans have been formulated for providing the amount necessary to provide a full water supply. Tentative plans have also been made as part of the Central Utah Project for the ultimate development of an additional 230,000 acre- feet which would be used on 141,300 acres of virgin land. Were this all developed, the irrigated land then existing would have 98.3% of a full supply. However, the supply of water would still be only 76.8% sufficient to irrigate the known arable land. The development would benefit 286,300 acres of land. ( See Table 16.) The new lands that are proposed for irrigation are distributed throughout the drainage basin as are the lands to receive supplemental water. Those that can be irrigated most efficiently will be the logical ones to be irrigated. The proposed development within the Uintah Basin is a part of the Central Utah Project area. This includes the major proposals, although others which involve storage on several tributaries of the Green River have also been proposed. . Potential Hydroelectric Power Development... It is proposed in this basin to install the major hydroelectric power plants embodied in the potential full development of the water resources of Utah. These include Flaming Gorge, Echo Park, Split Mountain, Desolation, Rattlesnake, Ashley Creek, Uintah River, Yellowstone Creek and Moon Lake. The proposed installed capacity would be 512,000 kilowatts with a potential generating capacity of nearly 1.25 billion kilowatt- hours. COLORADO RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN .. . Location and Physical Features - The Colorado River Drainage Basin is in the southeastern corner of the State. It is that portion drained by the Colorado River proper and the tributaries that empty into it below the junction with the Green River. It includes about one- half of Grand County, all of San Juan and Wayne Counties, the eastern part of Garfield [ 119] |