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Show APPENDIX B RECAP OF OTHER STATE WATER LAWS Arizona See provisions for creation of flood control districts and cooperation with state, counties, cities and others- Section 75- 902, Arizona Code Annotated 1939. Arkansas Arkansas Resources and Development Commission. Division of Publicity Geology ( Agriculture ( Forestry and Parks Flood control Water and soil conservation Planning Executive director appoints division directors with approval of commission. Arkansas Statutes Annotated 1947, Sections 9- 800 to 9- 811. Duty of Division of Flood Control to study causes and remedies. Given power to clean out, widen, deepen, straighten, change, alter, divert or eliminate in whole or in part natural or artificial water streams for the improvement of hydraulic efficiency in the discharge of flood waters. To construct, take over, maintain and operate dams, reservoirs, holding or impounding basins, flood gates, revetments, or other works. To acquire by eminent domain, purchase or other means and to hold in the name of the state all necessary real and personal property„ To cooperate with United States. California Water code sections 8204- 8373. The act of the state in taking cognizance of and jurisdiction over the matter of flood control and all works germane thereto involves a valid exercise of the state's police power. Western Assur. Co. vs. Sacramento and San Joaquin Drainage District. ( 1925) 72 C. A. 68, 237 p. 59. Powers and duties of Department of Public Works. Department of public works acting by and through the State Engineer has supervisory power over the maintenance and operation of flood control works. See Sees. 8305 and 8360 of Water Code. Duties and Liabilities. See Clement v. State Reclamation Board ( 1950) 35 C. 2d 628, 220 p. 2d. 897. Formation of Maintenance Areas. - 32- |