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Show 1 9 0 3 .] OSTEOLOGY OF THE CUCULIFORMES. 291 R e f er en c e s . (1 ) B e d d a r d , F . E.-Classification of Birds. 1898. (2) F u r b r ix g e r , M.-Vergleich. Anat. d. Brustschulterapparates. Theil v. : Vogel. 1902. (3 ) G ad ow , H .-Bronn's Thier-Reich. Bd. vi. Vogel. Syst. Theil. 1893. (4 ) P a r k e r , W . K .-Trans. Linn. Soc., 2nd ser. Zool. vol. i., 1 8 7 9 . xii. EXPLANATION OF PLATE X X I I . Fig. 1. Ventval aspect of the skull of Coua reynaudi, showing the most primitive form ot the indirectly desmognathus skull of the Cuculidae. Herein the maxillo-palatines do not meet in the middle line, but the palate is bridged by the swollen nasal septum. Basipterygoid processes are wanting. There is no vomer. Fig. 2. Ventral aspect of the skull of Turacus buffoni, showing the indirectly desmognathous type of palate of the Musophagidte. The maxillo-palatines do not meet in the middle line, but the palate is bridged by the fusion of the ventral border of the nasal septum with the dorsal aspect of the maxillo-palatines. The vomer is wanting, but present in a vestigial condition in Schizorhis. Note the appearance of the parasphenoid between the palatines. Fig. 3. Dorsal aspect of the skull of Coua reynaudi, showing the absence of a nasal hinge, and the general character of the roof of the skull. Fig. 4. Dorsal aspect of the skull of Turacus leucotis, showing the nasal hinge and the general conformation of the roof of the skull. Fig. 5. Dorsal aspect of the skull of Saurothera vetula, showing the long upper jaw and the large temporal fossae. Fig. 6. Lateral aspect of the skull of Schizorhis zonura, showing the form of the narial apertures, the os uncinatum and the general form of the skull. Fig. 7. Lateral aspect of the skull of Rhinococcyx calorhynchus, to show the form of the narial aperture and the general form of the cranium. Fig. 8. Lateral aspect of the skull of a nestling Centropus, showing the arrangement of the bones. Outer view. Fig. 9. Lateral aspect of the inner view of the same skull, showing the separate arrangement of the bones. Fig. 10. The distal end of the pteiygoid of the nestling Centropus, to show the hemipterygoid. Explanation o f Letters. a?s.=alisplienoid. a.p.=antorbital plate. a.p.v.=anterior palatine vacuity. b.oc.=basioccipital. 6.s.=basisphenoid. c. = occipital cond}Tle. ^.o.=epiotic. ex.o.= exoccip it al. y ,./'.=floccular fcssa. / r . = frontal. h .pt.= hemipterygoid. ?.=lachrymal. me.=meatus internus. wes.=mesethmoid. na. = nasal. n.h.-nasal hinge. o/>. = opisthotic. o.u.= o s uncinatum. p .= parietal. p .a .= palatine. par. =parasphenoidal rostrum. ^.o.jj.=postorbital process. j?ro. = prootic. p t .= pterygoid. ^^quadi'ate. s.c. = sagittal crest. s.o. = supraoccipital. sq.= squamosal. t f . = temporal fossa. |