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Show 1903.] A NEW SPIDER FROM CEYLON. 49 with dirty yellow below, whitish with a black spot above ; femora jet-black variegated with paler patches above, in front, and behind, with a narrow whitish line between the tubercles below, the distal end yellowish white; patellae yellowish white, with two palely fuscous patches above and some behind; tibiae and protarsi mostly jet-black, with a pale median inferior longitudinal stripe between the spines; tarsi pale above, black below ; third leg with coxa and trochanter blackish below, the femur amber-yellow in its basal two-thirds, yellowish white with a black patch, much broader behind than in front, in its distal third ; tibia black and whitish, the black predominating posteriorly; protarsus and tarsus mostly yellowish; fourth leg, with exception of its coxa, mostly yellowish white, lightly spotted above. Almost the whole of the upperside of the abdomen jet-black from its anterior margin backwards to the spinners, with the postero-lateral tubercles and the sides yellow ; the under surface (i. e. the area between the lung-sacs on the epigastric region and behind the genital fold nearly back to the spinners) black, this black field showing a transversely oblong pale patch behind the genital aperture (Plate X . figs. 3 & 4). Carapace not strongly tubercular, flattish longitudinally along the middle line, with a shallow transverse depression behind the ocular area of the head; area between the ocular tubercles depressed ; eyes of posterior line (fig. 5) subequally spaced, the medians about 5 diameters apart, lying about their own diameter in front of a tangent joining the anterior borders of the laterals, which are distinctly larger than the medians; eyes of anterior line (fig. 6) strongly recurved, the inferior edges of the laterals as high as the superior edges of the medians, the latter considerably smaller than the laterals, about 2k diameters from each other and about 2 diameters from the laterals 1; distance between the medians about equal to the ^height of either above the edge of the clypeus, wThich is weakly tubercular and furnished with prominent angles. Mandibles prominent basally, scarcely tubercular ; margins of fang-groove thickly fringed, the posterior armed with one fang, the anterior with teeth, remote from base of fang ; the posterior fringe continuous with a scanty band of hair passing up the inner side of the posterior surface of the mandible. Legs. Femur of 1st leg thickly covered in front with small tubercles, with a few large tubercles above and two rows of about five tubercles each below, the posterior surface smooth; tibia bowed, armed beneath with two rows of about 4-5 spines, the anterior and dorsal surface also spined ; protarsus a little longer than tibia, armed beneath on each side of the middle line with a band of longer and shorter irregularly arranged spines, those on 1 Owing to a want of definition of the border of the corneal lens, the precise si^e of the eyes of the anterior line, and consequentlj'- of the width of the interspace between them, is hard to ascertain, varying apparently in different lights and with lenses of different power. In the above-given description the eyes are described as seen under a 4-inch objective and a platyscopic lens. P roc. Z ool. Soc.- 1903, V ol. I. N o . IV. 4 |