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Show 1903.] IN THE £ CHALLENGER ' COLLECTION. G5 of s . arcticus Kr., but having in London no material from the North Atlantic of S. rinkii Kr., for direct comparison of minute details, and some other species allied to S. arcticus being known from the Indian Ocean and the Pacific, I could not determine the larvae enumerated with absolute certainty. One specimen from Cape York, determined as S. rinkii, but not mentioned in the Report, is S. corniculum Kr., in a stage a little younger than that figured by Bate as the last-named species. One specimen, labelled " 25. 8. 73," determined as S. rinkii, but not mentioned in the Report, measures nearly 7 mm. ; it belongs to S. yener ink'd Bate, the young larva of S. diapontius Bate, H. J. H. S erg. oculatus Kroyer, Bate, p. 406, pi. lxxiv. fig. 1. Bate enumerates six localities. From Stat. 106 three specimens were obtained, from Stat. 257 one specimen, from Stat. 103 one specimen, finally from " September 12, 1875, South Pacific," one specimen: all six specimens correctly referred to the Kroyerian species, which is the Mastigopus of /S'. edwardsii Kr. (compare my earlier paper). From the two remaining localities, viz. " North Pacific, near the Sandwich Islands, August 21, 1875," and " August 27, 1873 . . . oft* St. Paul's Rock," no specimens could be discovered. S erg. ovatoculus Bate, p. 408, pi. lxxiv. fig. 2. Bate gives the locality " The North Atlantic Ocean." In the collection I found three specimens with the label u 14 June, 1873," which agrees with my quotation from the text. These three specimens are identical with /S'. ancylops Kr., which is the Mastigojms of S. citlanticus H. Milne-Edw. S erg. parvidens Bate, p. 409, pi. lxxiv. fig. 3. Bate has the following localities : " The tropical part of the Atlantic; Pacific Ocean, north of the Sandwich Islands; off Sydney and Wellington, Australia." Just below he writes: " Specimens of this species or variety were taken during the passage from Teneriffe to St. Thomas" ; and in the collection one specimen from the last-named locality is present: it belongs to S. vigilax Stimpson, the Mastigopus of S. vigilax Stimps., H. J. H .; it agrees with Bate's description and figure, and it had already been pointed out by Ortmann and myself that S. parvidens Bate belonged to S. vigilax Stimps. Examples from the other localities mentioned by Bate could not be found.- From " Cape \ o rk " two specimens determined as S. parvidens were present: one of them is a young S. oculatus Kr. (the Mastigopus of S. edwardsii Kr.); the other is allied to S. incertus H. J. H., but is so badly preserved that a determination was impossible. In a preparation a small specimen from the " China Sea," determined as /S'. parvidens, was preserved; it seems to be S. oculatus Kr., but it is in a very bad condition. P r o c . Z o o l . Soc.- 1903, Y o l . I. No. Y . 5 |