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Show 296 MR. OLDFIELD THOMAS ON [Apr. 21, nasals (diagonally) 49 ; interorbital breadth 26 ; breadth across postorbital processes 37 ; breadth of brain-case 49*5 ; palate, length 72*5; breadth between outer corners of p.1 44. Teeth: length of p.3 9*6, of p.4 (on outer edge) 14'2, of m.1 11, of m.1 and m.2 combined 16*8 ; breadth of m.1 14, of m.~ 10. (Below), length p.3 8*7, of p.4 10, of m., 17*3, m.2 8*1. Hab. and type as given above. This is the Jackal figured by Cretzschmar1 from Rtippell's specimen as C. anthus, but is clearly at least subspecifically different from that animal. Mr. de Winton has recently shown 2 that none of the earlier names of Hemprich and Ehrenberg or other authors apply to this form, and I therefore venture to bestow one on it. 6. V ulpes vulpes .e g y p t ia c a Sonn. 40. 2 • Khartoum. 4 September, 1902. 7. Y ulpes p a l l id a Cretzschm. 8. (S (young). Wad Medina, Blue Nile. 18 September, 1902. 8. I c to x y x fr e n a t a Sund. 118. <3 . Gebel Haraza, W. Kordofan. 6 December, 1902. The rediscovery of this species is of interest, as there has always been some doubt whether it was or was not the same as the more northern I. lybica. It proves to be readily distinguishable by its smaller size, by certain differences in its body pattern, and, especially, by the absence of the black ends to the caudal hairs. 9. D ipo dil lu s st igm o x y x Heugl. 5. $ . Khartoum. 19 August, 1902. A topotype of the species. As already noted 3, the specimen in the Stuttgart Museum marked Meriones stigmonyx does not agree with Heuglin's description of this animal, and is more like that of his M. dongolanus. It is to be observed that the present Gerbille and the next one are so extremely alike, that it is almost impossible to distinguish them apart except by an examination of the soles and skulls. There is, however, a darker median area (" Scheitel und Riicken-mitte satter gefarbt ") in the Dipodillus not present in the Gerbillus, and this confirms my previous allocation of the name, which in any case having once been made should be adhered to. 10 . G er b il lu s a g a g , sp. n. 96. S. Agageh Wells, W. Kordofan. 17 November, 1902. (B.M. No. Type. A small species of true hairy-footed Gerbillus, with comparatively short tail. 1 Atl. Rupp. Reise Mamm. pi. 17 (1826). 2 Anderson & de Winton, Mauim. Egypt, p. 213 (1902). Ann. Mag. N. H. (7) viii. p. 276 (1901). |